
Department of International Economics, Government and Business

Professor emeritus

Kontor: POR/24.A-1.56
E-mail: bp.bhl@cbs.dk

Except for five years as an economist at the Carlsberg Research center, I have been in various academic positions at CBS. I was post doc at HEC, France in 1993 and visiting scholar at University of Queensland, Australia (2000), University of Gothenburg (2008), and University of Southern Denmark (2011). I started as an international marketing researcher focusing on dynamics foreign operation and internationalization processes of firms. By the late 1990s my focus shifted from downstream to upstream processes (global sourcing). My original theoretical basis was transaction cost economics (which permeated my PhD thesis), but has since then spread to contractual economics in general (in addition to TCE, agency theory, and property right theory) with side jumps into the resource-dependence theory, resource-based perspective, real option theory, and value creation logics. All these different theoretical perspectives are brought together in my research and teaching in “strategic contracting”. I have worked with large-N survey data and databases as well as case studies.

Lately, I am doing research in the crossroads of international business, geopolitics, and technology. This may sound confusing, and it probably is.

Primære forskningsområder

I have quite a diversified portfolio of research areas (a privilege of a seasoned professor?). I am currently doing research (and trying to publish it) within 4-5 different areas, including global value chains, China-Europe business relations (focusing on the maritime sector), strategic contracting in an international context, real options in international collaborations - and I also still cling to my old research field: dynamics of foreign operation modes.

Administrative opgaver

Associate Dean of the EMBA in Shipping and Logistics.

Curriculum Vitae
Sociale medier
Link til denne hjemmeside

I am (co-) course coordinator of the following three elective courses

  • Strategisk kontrahering I et internationalt virksomhedsperspektiv (cand.merc.jur course)
  • Strategisk anvendelse af sundhedsdata (cand.merc.jur course)
  • Global Strategy: Managing Risks and Seizing Opportunities in a Turbulent World

Since 2019, I have taught a lecture, “The impact of new technologies on internationalization trajectories of manufacturing and service firms”, in the IBP course International Business: Market and Non-market Strategies


In the recent years, I have co-supervised around 20 students in connection to their master thesis. Most of the students have been enrolled in CBS’ Law and Economics program (cand merc.jur), and I am supervising these students in relation to the economic part of their thesis - supplementing the juridical supervisor (usually prof. Kim Østergaard from LAW/MPP).

Andre undervisningsaktiviteter

I am occasionally (co-)writing teaching cases.

Udvalgte publikationer

Petersen, B., Benito, G.R.G. & Welch, L.S. (2021): “Foreign operation mode flexibility: tradeoffs and managerial responses”, International Journal of the Economics of Business, 28(2): 281-307.

Petersen, B. & K. Østergaard (2018): ”Reconciling formal contracts and relational governance through strategic contracting”, Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 33(3): 265-276.

Jensen, P.Ø. and B. Petersen (2014): “Value creation logics and internationalization of service firms”. International Marketing Review, 31(6): 557-575.

Jensen, P.Ø. and B. Petersen (2013): “Global sourcing of services: Risk, process, and collaborative architecture”. Global Strategy Journal, 3(1): 67-87

Petersen, B., G.R.G. Benito, and L.S. Welch (2010): “Managing the internalisation process”. Management International Review, 50(2), pp.137-154.

Petersen, B., T. Pedersen and M. Lyles (2008): “Closing knowledge gaps in foreign markets”, Journal of International Business Studies, 39(7), pp. 1097-1113.

Publikationer sorteret efter:



I pressen

Torben Juul Andersen (Redaktør) ; Edward Ashbee (Redaktør) ; Bent Petersen (Redaktør) / Business and Policy Challenges of Global Uncertainty : European Perspectives.
London : World Scientific 2025, 350 s.
Antologi > peer review
Claes-Göran Alvstam; Liping Jiang; Bent Petersen / The New Patterns of Competition Between Chinese and European Firms in the Global Shipping and Logistics Industry
I: Business and Policy Challenges of Global Uncertainty: European Perspectives. . red. /Torben J Andersen; Edward Ashbee; Bent Petersen. London : World Scientific 2025
Bidrag til bog/antologi > peer review
Christian Geisler Asmussen; Bent Petersen / Foreign Entry Mode
I: Encyclopedia of International Strategic Management. red. /Christian Geisler Asmussen; Niron Hashai; Dana Minbaeva. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing 2024, s. 78–86
Encyclopædiartikel > peer review
Christian Geisler Asmussen; Bent Petersen / Foreign Operation Modes
I: Encyclopedia of International Strategic Management. red. /Christian Geisler Asmussen; Niron Hashai; Dana Minbaeva. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing 2024, s. 87–94
Encyclopædiartikel > peer review
Carlos Adrian Rodriguez; Luciano Ciravegna; Bent Petersen / Goal Deviation Responses in Offshoring
I: Proceedings of the Eighty-fourth Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. red. /Sonia Taneja. Valhalla, NY : Academy of Management 2024, 1 s. (Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings)
Konferenceabstrakt i proceedings > peer review
Bent Petersen; Gabriel R. G. Benito / Making Switches : Key Strategic Decisions When Moving From a Local, Independent Operator to a Wholly Owned Subsidiary.
I: Thunderbird International Business Review, Vol. 66, Nr. 6, 11.2024, s. 643-653
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Bent Petersen; Mathias Sandholt Knauf; Caja Nalepa Petersen; Toshimitsu Ueta / The Digital Silk Road in Support of State-driven Standard-setting : Implications to European Firms.
I: European Journal of International Management, Vol. 23, Nr. 2-3, 23.5.2024, s. 322-343
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Luciano Ciravegna; Carlos Rodriguez; Bent Petersen / Designing Business Units: Efficiency Implications of Geographical and Functional Scope in a Global Value Chain’s Footprint
I: Proceedings of the 65th Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business. AIB 2023: International Business Resilience under Global Disruptions. . red. /Kazuhiro Asakawa; Tunga Kiyak. East Lansing, MI : Academy of International Business 2023, 1 s., s. 213 (Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business)
Konferenceabstrakt i proceedings > peer review
David Schulzmann; Evis Sinani; Bersant Hobdari; Bent Petersen / Drivers of R&D Greenfield Investment Projects in the Communications, Software and IT Service Industries in Developing Countries
I: Transnational Corporations, Vol. 30, Nr. 1, 2023, s. 103-133
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Carlos Rodriguez; Luciano Ciravegna; Bent Petersen / Geographical Reconfiguration in Global Value Chains : Search within Limited Space?.
I: Global Strategy Journal, Vol. 13, Nr. 2, 5.2023, s. 440-482
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
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Faglige interesser

I am member of the Academy of International Business (AIB) and the European Academy of International Business (EIBA)


2008-2021: Guest Professor at the University of Gothenburg, School of Business, Economics and Law - (Co-)teaching a course, Global Sourcing

2022: No outside activities to report
2023: No outside activities to report