
Institut for Organisation

  • WETO – Work, Expertise, Technology and Organization
PhD, Teaching Coordinator

Kontor: KIL/14.A-4.78

My core research interest centers on the notion of 'political organization' in political parties, social movements, and activist networks. This means that I explore these political entities from an organizational point of view. I am particularly interested in the organization of political parties and how radical parties manage the process of entering parliament and engaging in day-to-day politics without losing their radical identity. Empirically, I focus on political parties such as Alternativet in Denmark and Podemos in Spain, but I have also conducted empirical analyses of other political phenomena such as Occupy Wall Street, the Trump administration, and online ‘prepper’ communities. At the moment, I am working on a research project about the organizational culture of the Danish Parliament.

Primære forskningsområder
  • Political organization
  • Radical politics
  • Political parties and social movements
  • Discourse theory
  • Digital technology and digital organizing


Curriculum Vitae
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Udvalgte publikationer
  • Husted, E. (2024). Studying political parties as organizations: Four perspectives on Denmark’s alternative party. Bristol: Bristol University Press.
  • Husted, E., Just, S., du Plessis, E. & Dahlman, S. (2023). The communicative constitution of atomization: Online prepper communities and the crisis of collective action. Journal of Communication, 73(4): 368-381. 
  • Husted, E. & Just, S. (2022). The politics of trust in alternative organizations: How trust reconciles autonomy and solidarity. Organization Theory, 3(2): 1-19.
  • Dahlman, S., Du Plessis, E., Husted, E. & Just, S. (2022). Alternativity as freedom: Exploring tactics of emergence in alternative forms of organizing. Human Relations, 75(10): 1961-1985.
  • Husted, E., Moufahim, M & Fredriksson, M. (2022). Political parties and organization studies: The party as a critical case of organizing. Organization Studies, 43(8): 1327-1341.


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I pressen

Emil Husted / Fremmedgørelse og resonans på Christiansborg
Aarhus : Institut for Statskundskab, Aarhus Universitet 2024 (Magtudredningen 2.0: Essay-serien, Vol. Tema 2)
Udgivelser på nettet - Net-publikation
Erik Mygind du Plessis; Emil Husted / Prepping as Implicit Activism : Risk, Danger, and Post-capitalist Imaginaries in Prepper Literature.
I: Social Movements Studies, 3.5.2024
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Emil Husted / Studying Political Parties as Organizations : Four Perspectives on Denmark’s Alternative Party.
Bristol : Bristol University Press 2024, 268 s. (Organizations and Activism)
Bog > peer review
Emil Husted; Karolina Mikolajewska-Zajac; Yousra Rahmouni Elidrissi / Escaping Wonderland
I: Ephemera: Theory & politics in organization, Vol. 23, Nr. 2, 2023, 26 s., s. 1-26
Leder > peer review
Emil Husted / Organisationens kultur
I: Organisation: Fra teori til praksis. . red. /Søren Voxted. København : Djøf Forlag 2023, s. 245-268
Bidrag til bog/antologi > peer review
Linea M. Petersen; Sine Nørholm Just; Emil Husted / Redistributive Solidarity? : Exploring the Utopian Potential of Unconditional Basic Income.
I: Critical Sociology, Vol. 49, Nr. 3, 5.2023, s. 495-513
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Emil Husted; Sine Nørholm Just; Erik Mygind du Plessis; Sara Dahlman / The Communicative Constitution of Atomization : Online Prepper Communities and the Crisis of Collective Action.
I: Journal of Communication, Vol. 73, Nr. 4, 8.2023, s. 368-381
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Sara Dahlman; Erik Mygind du Plessis; Emil Husted; Sine Nørholm Just / Alternativity as Freedom : Exploring Tactics of Emergence in Alternative Forms of Organizing.
I: Human Relations, Vol. 75, Nr. 10, 10.2022, s. 1961-1985
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Erik Mygind du Plessis; Emil Husted / Five Challenges for Prefiguration Research : A Sympathetic Polemic.
I: The Future Is Now: An Introduction to Prefigurative Politics. . red. /Lara Monticelli. Bristol : Bristol University Press 2022, s. 217–229 (Alternatives to Capitalism in the 21st Century)
Bidrag til bog/antologi > peer review
Emil Husted; Majken Mac / Instituting Deliberation : Three Stages of Bottom-up Policymaking in Denmark’s Alternative Party.
I: Soziologie der Parteien: Neue Zugänge zu einer alten Organisationsform des Politischen. . red. /Jenni Brichzin; Jasmin Siri. Wiesbaden : Springer VS 2022, s. 59-80 (Politische Soziologie)
Bidrag til bog/antologi > peer review
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CBS Executive - teaching
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