Institut for Afsætningsøkonomi
Mine forskningsområder dækker undersøgelser af kreativitet i domæner som design, marketing, ingeniører, gastronomi, arkitektur og software design. Ved hjælp af video optagelser af kreative teams studerer jeg de underliggende kognitive processer og mekanismer i kreativt arbejde. Derudover anvender jeg eksperimentelle og kvasi-eksperimentelle forskningsmetoder til at studere både genereringen og selektionen af kreative ideer. Jeg undersøger også hvilken form for teknologi der kan bringes i spil til understøttelse af kreative processer. Endelig studerer jeg evalueringen af kreativitet; hvordan selekteres de rigtige ideer i produktudvikling; hvordan håndteres ideselektion på tværs af domæner; hvordan opnår forbrugere eller brugere en opfattelse af et produkt som værende kreativt?
- Kreativ kognition; kreative processer
- Design tænkning
- Evaluering af kreativitet
- Analogisk tænkning, mental simulering
- Ideudvælgelse i produktudvikling
- CM(psyk): Organisatorisk kreativitet og entreprenørskab
- Master i Strategisk Design og Entreprenørskab: Strategisk Design og Projektledelse
- HA(psyk): Kognitionspsykologi
Jeg vejleder specialer relateret til kreativitet og innovation.
- Christensen, B.T. & Schunn, C. D. (2007), The relationship between analogical distance to analogical function and pre-nventive structure: The case of engineering design. Memory & Cognition 35(1), 29-38.
- Ball, L. & Christensen, B. T. (2009), Analogical reasoning and mental simulation in design: Two strategies linked to uncertainty resolution. Design Studies, 30(2), 169-186.
- Christensen, B. T., Ball, L. J. & Halskov, K. (eds.) (2017) Analysing Design Thinking: Studies of Cross-Cultural Co-Creation. Leiden: CRC Press/Taylor & Francis.
- Moeran, B. & Christensen, B. T. (eds.) (2013) Exploring creativity: Evaluative practices in innovation, design and the arts. Cambridge University Press.
- Wiltschnig, S., Christensen, B. T. & Ball, L. (2103). Collaborative Problem-Solution Co-evolution in Creative Design. Design Studies 34(5), 515-542. *Awarded the 2013 Design Studies Award for best paper published in Design Studies in 2013.
- Christensen, B. T., Hartmann, P. V. W., & Rasmussen, T. (2017). Threshold theory tested in an organizational setting: the relation between perceived innovativeness and intelligence in a large sample of leaders. Creativity Research Journal, 29(2), 188-193.
I: The Routledge International Handbook of Creative Cognition. red. /Linden J. Ball; Frédéric Vallée-Tourangeau. Abingdon : Routledge 2024, s. 372-396 (Routledge International Handbooks)
I: Proceedings of DRS2024 Boston: Resistance, Reflection, Recovery, Reimagination. Design Research Society International Conference. . red. /Colin M. Gray; Estefania Ciliotta Chehade; Paul Hekkert; Laura Forlano; Paolo Ciuccarelli. London : Design Research Society 2024 (Proceedings of DRS International Conference)
I: The Routledge International Handbook of Creative Cognition. red. /Linden J. Ball; Frédéric Vallée-Tourangeau. Abingdon : Routledge 2024, s. 698-708 (Routledge International Handbooks)
Paper presented at The 17th International Conference on Arts and Cultural Management. AIMAC 2024, 2024
I: Business Education in the 21st Century: Developing Discipline Competences and Transformation Capabilities. . red. /Adam Lindgreen; Eleri Rosier; Antonia Erz; Ben Marder; Sylvia von Wallpach. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing 2024, s. 337–356
I: A Cog in the Works. red. /Cheryl May. Oslo : Symposium Journals 10.2024
I: Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, Vol. 35, Nr. 3-4, 3.2023, s. 317-336
I: Design Studies, Vol. 86, 5.2023
I: Proceedings of DRS2022 Bilbao: Design Research Society International . . red. /Dan Lockton; Sara Lenzi; Paul Hekkert; Arlene Oak; Juan Sádaba; Peter Lloyd. London : Design Research Society 2022 (DRS Biennial Conference Series)
I: She Ji: The Journal of Design, Economics, and Innovation, Vol. 7, Nr. 1, 1.2021, s. 7-23
I: Design Studies, Vol. 76, 9.2021
I: Design Studies, Vol. 76, 9.2021
I: Design Studies, Vol. 76, 2021, 4 s.
I: CoDesign: International Journal of CoCreation in Design and the Arts, Vol. 17, Nr. 3, 9.2021, s. 237-257
I: Handbook of Teaching and Learning at Business Schools: A Practice-based Approach. . red. /Thyra Uth Thomsen; Adam Lindgreen; Annemette Kjærgaard; Eleri Rosier; Aybars Tuncdogan. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing 2021, s. 52–67
I: Sticky Creativity: Post-it® Note Cognition, Computers, and Design. . red. /Bo T. Christensen; Kim Halskov; Clemens Klokmose. London : Academic Press 2020, s. 19-51 (Explorations in Creativity Research)
I: International Journal of Technology and Design Education, Vol. 30, Nr. 1, 3.2020, s. 101-125
I: Sticky Creativity: Post-it® Note Cognition, Computers, and Design. . red. /Bo T. Christensen; Kim Halskov; Clemens Klokmose. London : Academic Press 2020, s. 63-75 (Explorations in Creativity Research)
I: Encyclopedia of Creativity. red. /Mark A. Runco; Steven R. Pritzker. Cambridge, MA : Academic Press 2020, s. 642-647
I: Journal of Cognitive Psychology, Vol. 32, Nr. 1, 1.2020, s. 45-66
London : Academic Press 2020, 263 s. (Explorations in Creativity Research)
I: Sticky Creativity: Post-it® Note Cognition, Computers, and Design. . red. /Bo T. Christensen; Kim Halskov; Clemens Klokmose. London : Academic Press 2020, s. 1-16 (Explorations in Creativity Research)
I: Design Studies, Vol. 65, 11.2019, s. 35-59
I: Design Studies, Vol. 65, 11.2019, s. 18-34
I: Design Studies, Vol. 60, 1.2019, s. 39-70
Abstract from UK Creativity Researcher's Conference 2019, 2019
I: Frontiers in Psychology, Vol. 10, 4.3.2019
I: Book of Abstract: 3rd MIC Conference, Bologna June 20 - June 22, 2019. Pontecchio Marconi : Marconi Institute for Creativity 2019, 3 s., s. 16-18
I: DRS2018 International Conference Proceedings. Vol. 3. red. /Cristiano Storni; Keelin Leahy; Peter Lloyd; Erik Bohemia. Londin : Design Research Society 2018, s. 1297-1313 (Proceedings of DRS International Conference, Vol. 3)
I: Individual Creativity in the Workplace. red. /Roni Reiter-Palmon; Victoria L. Kennel; James C. Kaufman. London : Academic Press 2018, s. 293-310 (Explorations in Creativity Research)
I: She Ji: The Journal of Design, Economics, and Innovation, Vol. 3, Nr. 4, 2018, s. 277-289
I: CoDesign: International Journal of CoCreation in Design and the Arts, Vol. 14, Nr. 2, 2018, 4 s., s. 75-78
I: Design Studies, Vol. 57, 2018, 8 s., s. 1-8
I: CoDesign: International Journal of CoCreation in Design and the Arts, Vol. 14, Nr. 2, 2018, s. 133-152
I: Design Studies, Vol. 57, 7.2018, s. 112-134
I: Metaphor and Symbol, Vol. 33, Nr. 3, 2018, s. 235-252
Leiden : CRC Press 2017, 586 s.
I: Analysing Design Thinking: Studies of Cross-cultural Co-creation. . red. /Bo T. Christensen; Linden J. Ball; Kim Halskov. Leiden : CRC Press 2017, s. 249-269
I: Analysing Design Thinking: Studies of Cross-cultural Co-creation. . red. /Bo T. Christensen; Linden J. Ball; Kim Halskov. Leiden : CRC Press 2017, s. 229-248
I: Analysing Design Thinking: Studies of Cross-cultural Co-creation. . red. /Bo T. Christensen; Linden J. Ball; Kim Halskov. Leiden : CRC Press 2017, s. 19-37
I: Analysing Design Thinking: Studies of Cross-cultural Co-creation. . red. /Bo T. Christensen; Linden J. Ball; Kim Halskov. Leiden : CRC Press 2017, s. 1-18
I: Papers from the LearnX Design London 2017 Conference: The Allure of the Digital and Beyond. . red. /Gary Pritchard; Nick Lambert. North Greenwich : Ravensbourne Publications 2017, s. 77-85
I: REDO Cumulus Conference Proceedings. red. /Anne Louise Bang; Mette Mikkelsen; Anette Flinck. Kolding : Designskolen Kolding 2017, s. 571-576
I: She Ji: The Journal of Design, Economics, and Innovation, Vol. 3, Nr. 2, 2017, s. 98-100
I: Creativity Research Journal, Vol. 29, Nr. 2, 2017, s. 188-193
I: Design Studies, Vol. 46, 9.2016, s. 38-58
I: Design Studies, Vol. 45, Nr. Part A, 7.2016, s. 116-136
I: Analyzing Design Review Conversations. red. /Robin Adams; Junaid Siddiqui. West Lafayette, IN : Purdue University Press 2016, s. 115-135 (Design Thinking Research Symposium )
Paper presented at Design Thinking Research Symposium 11, 2016
I: Design as Scholarship: Case Studies from the Learning Sciences . . red. /Vanessa Svihla; Richard Reeve. New York : Routledge 2016, s. 140-150
Paper presented at The 44th EMAC Annual Conference 2015, 2015
Paper presented at French-Austrian-German Workshop on Consumer Behaviour, 2015
I: International Journal of Design Creativity and Innovation, Vol. 3, Nr. 3-4, 2015, s. 164-176
I: Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing, Vol. 29, Nr. 2, 2015, s. 173-183
Paper presented at The 22nd International Product Development Management Conference. IPDMC 2015, 2015
I: ACR 2014 Association for Consumer Research North American Conference 2014: Proceedings. . red. /June Cotte; Stacy Wood; Linda Price. Baltimore : Association for Consumer Research 2014, 3 s.
I: Frontiers in Psychology, Vol. 5, 4.11.2014
I: SCP Winter Conference: Proceedings. . red. /Mark Forehand; Americus Reed. www : Society for Consumer Psychology 2014, 3 s.
I: Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, Vol. 8, Nr. 2, 5.2014, s. 189-197
I: DS77: Proceedings of the DESIGN 2014 13th International Design Conference. . red. /Dorian Marjanovic; Mario Štorga; Neven Pavković; Nenad Bojčetić. Vol. 1, Zagreb : Design Society 2014, s. 427-436 (Design, Vol. 13)
I: The Routledge Companion to Design Research. red. /Paul Rodgers; Joyce Yee. Abingdon : Routledge 2014, s. 317-328
I: Design Studies, Vol. 34, Nr. 5, 9.2013, s. 515-542
New York : Cambridge University Press 2013, 311 s.
I: European Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 10, 2013, 2 s., s. 196-197
I: Exploring Creativity: Evaluative Practices in Innovation, Design, and the Arts. . red. /Brian Moeran; Bo Christensen. New York : Cambridge University Press 2013, s. 1-42
I: Exploring Creativity: Evaluative Practices in Innovation, Design, and the Arts. . red. /Brian Moeran; Bo Christensen. New York : Cambridge University Press 2013, s. 235-259
I: Journal of Engineering Design, Vol. 23, Nr. 9, 2012, s. 660-673
Abstract from 40th Annual Conference of the Association of Consumer Research. ACR 2012, 2012
Paper presented at The 40th EMAC Annual Conference 2011, 2011
Frederiksberg : imagine.. CBS 2011, 20 s.
Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School [wp] 2011, 21 s. (Creative Encounters Working Paper, Nr. 56)
I: Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED11) : Human Behaviour in Design . . red. /S.J. Culley; B.J. Hicks; T.C. Malone; T.J. Howard; P. Badke-Schaub. Vol. 7, : Design Society 2011, s. 265-274 (ICED, Nr. 11)
I: DESIRE '11: Procedings of the Second Conference on Creativity and Innovation in Design . . red. /Jean-Bernard Martens; Panos Markopoulos. New York : Association for Computing Machinery 2011, s. 365-366
Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School [wp] 2011, 29 s. (Creative Encounters Working Paper, Nr. 57)
Paper presented at NSF Studying Professional Software Design Workshop 2010, 2010
I: Design Studies, Vol. 31, Nr. 6, 2010, s. 567-589
I: Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing, Vol. 24, Nr. 2, 2010, s. 179-189
Paper presented at The 31st Annual Conference of the of the Society for Judgment and Decision Making , 2010
Lancaster : DESIRE Network DESIRE Network Conference on Creativity and Innovation in Design , 2010, 188 s.
Paper presented at The First International Conference on Design Creativity, 2010
I: Journal of Mechanical Design, Vol. 131, Nr. 11, 2009, s. 32-41
I: Design Studies, Vol. 30, Nr. 2, 2009, s. 169-186
I: About: Designing: Analysing Design Meetings. . red. /Janet McDonnell; Peter Lloyd. Leiden : CRC Press 2009, s. 138-152
Frederiksberg : imagine.. CBS 2009, 22 s. (Creative Encounters Working Paper, Nr. 29)
Frederiksberg : Department of Marketing. CBS 2009
I: Tools for Innovation. red. /Arthur B. Markman; Kristin L. Wood. Oxford : Oxford University Press 2009, s. 48-74
I: Applied Cognitive Psychology, Vol. 23, 2009, s. 327-344
Frederiksberg : imagine.. CBS 2008, 23 s. (Creative Encounters Working Paper, Nr. 9)
I: Strategic Market Creation: A New Perspective on Marketing and Innovation Management. Hoboken, NJ : Wiley 2008, s. 48-70
I: Når oplevelser møder økonomi: Kreative virksomheder, brancher og steder. . red. /Mark Lorenzen; Tore Kristensen; Lise Skov; Jesper Strandgaard Pedersen. Århus : Klim 2008, s. 45-71
I: Proceedings of IDETC/CIE 2008: ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences Computers & Information in Engineering Conference, August 03-06, New York City, New York, USA. Vol. DETC2007/DTM-49293, 2008
Poster session presented at The 7th Design Thinking Research Symposium, 2007, 12 s.
I: Memory & Cognition, Vol. 35, Nr. 1, 2007, s. 29-38
CBS welcomes 3,230 new bachelor students - with close to a third of them selected through quota 2
Fjerde gang var lykkens gang for Johanne
Studerende om Picassos komplekse værker: De er kreative, men grimme
Universiteterne skal lære studerende organisatorisk kreativitet
God undervisning skal skabe fremtidens entreprenører
At løse et svært ingeniørproblem er som at spille på et instrument
• Censoring in the discipline of Design at Danish Universities
• PhD dissertation board memberships
• Co-supervision of PhD students at other universities (e.g., DTU; Kolding Design school; Loughborough University)
• Academic institution expert committee membership (e.g., DELFT University of Technology, KEA)
• Academic assessment committee membership (e.g., AU, DTU, AAU, DMJX)
• Membership of journal editorial boards (CoDesign; She Ji; Journal of Cognitive Psychology)
• Ad hoc reviewing for scientific journals.