
  • 09.05.2011

    New book: European Legal Method - Paradoxes and Revitalisation

    This book brings together essays by leading legal scholars from a number of European countries on European legal method(s). The concept is used in a broad and open sense as it is subject to development. Both in Europe and in North America there is, and has for some years been, a seemingly renewed debate on methodology in legal research.
  • 28.04.2011

    Ph.d.-studerende Inger Høedt-Rasmussen deltager i "Stjerner med hjerner"

    Den landsdækkende videnskabsfestival, Forskningens Døgn, åbnes som noget nyt i år af en dyst mellem otte udvalgte ph.d.-studerende fra hele Danmark. Deres udfordring er: Forskningsformidling. Hvem er bedst til at formidle sit forskningsfelt udover forskningsverdenens grænser? Hvordan omsættes den videnskabelige retorik til et sprog, alle forstår?
  • 01.03.2011

    International Handbook On Public–Private Partnerships - with contribution from Christina D Tvarnø

    '“Partnership” is a widely-used and confusing term in public management. This book pilots the reader expertly through the diverse ambitions for PPPs, and the contexts in which they have been used. It draws on the first-hand experience of politicians and managers in steering partnerships, combined with solid research and observation. A particular strength is the recognition of how PPPs are understood in various national settings, and the scope for international policy learning. The contributors write in a style which is both authoritative and accessible to students, policy-makers and professionals seeking to understand the complexities of partnership working.’– Francis Terry, London School of Economics, UK
  • 04.01.2011

    Peter Arnt Nielsen deltager i dansk EU-delegation

    Professor Peter Arnt Nielsen, Juridisk Institut, CBS, er af Justitsministeriet udpeget til at indgå i den danske delegation i EU om de kommende forhandlinger om EU-kommissionens forslag til ny Domsforordning.
  • 04.01.2011

    Guldmedalje til Ole Lando

    Professor emeritus Ole Lando fra Juridisk Institut er blevet tildelt den højeste danske faglige anerkendelse af en dansk jurist. Det drejer sig om Det Anders Sandøe Ørstedske Prismedaille-legats guldmedalje.
  • 03.01.2011

    Behavioural Economics, Neuroscience, and Marketing Law

    In this presentation at Stanford Law School, January 3, 2011, Jan Trzaskowski will give a comparative introduction to marketing law and discuss how and to what extent research in behavioural economics and neuroscience may be used for the interpretation of this body of law. 
