
Institut for Business Humaniora og Jura

  • CBS Law
Louise Blichfeldt

Kontor: POR/18.B-1.136

Louise Blichfeldt Fjord er adjunkt og arbejder indenfor skatteret på Copenhagen Business School (2021-). Hun forsvarede sin ph.d.-afhandling “Allocation of the Right to Tax Income from Digital Products and Services - A Legal Analysis of International Tax Treaty Law” i 2021. Nu forsker hun i de skattemæssige konsekvenser ved den stigende digitalisering, og fokuserer særligt på nye såvel som mere traditionelle finansielle instrumenter samt skatteincitamenter i denne henseende. 

Primære forskningsområder
  • Selskabsskatteret
  • International skatteret
  • De skattemæssige udfordringer ved den digitale økonomi
Curriculum Vitae
Link til denne hjemmeside


  • Skatteret 1, Cand.merc.aud.
  • Skatteret, HD i regnskab
  • Udvidet skatteret, HD i regnskab

Underviser i fagene: 

  • Skatteret, Ha.Jur
  • International skatteret, Cand.merc.aud.
  • Skatteret 1, Cand.merc.aud.
  • Ph.d.-afhandlinger 
  • Kandidatafhandlinger
  • Bachelorprojekter
Udvalgte publikationer
  • Den skatteretlige omgåelsesklausul, Ex Tuto, 2021, co-authors: Jakob Bundgaard & Michael Tell.
  • The Ability to Pay and Economic Allegiance: Justifying Additional Allocation of Taxing Rights to Market States, Intertax, vol. 49, issue 8/9
  • Blockchain Technology and the Allocation of Taxing Rights to Payments Related to Initial Coin Offerings, Intertax Vol. 48, Issue 10
  • Taxable Presence and Highly Digitalized Business Model, Tax Notes International, Vol. 97, No. 9, 2020, Co. Author: Jakob Bundgaard
  • Status på OECD’s arbejde vedrørende digitaliseringen af økonomien – fra et fokus på tech-giganter til forslag om global minimumsbeskatning af virksomheder, der opererer internationalt, SR.2019.0346, SR-Skat
  • Allocation of the Taxing Right to Payments for Cloud Computing-as-a-Service, World Tax Journal, vol. 11, issue 3
  • Taxation of Cryptocurrencies from the Danish and Swedish Perspectives, Intertax, vol. 47, issue 5 and 7, Co. Author: Autilia Arfwidsson
  • Allocation of the Right to Tax Income from Digital Intermediary Platforms – Challenges and Possibilities for Taxation in the Jurisdiction of the User, Nordic Journal of Commercial Law, 2018, Co-author: Peter Koerver Schmidt
  • First Domestic Decisions on the 2015 Parent-Subsidiary Directive GAAR Implementation – Guiding Principles for EU Member States, Intertax, 2018, Co-authors: Jakob Bundgaard and Lars Bo Aarup
Publikationer sorteret efter:
Louise Blichfeldt Fjord / Skattemæssige udfordringer ved Remote Workers
I: SR-Skat, Vol. 36, Nr. 3, 5.2024, s. 127-136
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Louise Blichfeldt Fjord; Mark Ørberg; Peter Koerver Schmidt / Denmark
I: Fiscal Policies to Mitigate Climate Change. red. /Marilyne Sadowsky. Cambridge : Intersentia 2023, s. 289-309 (Ius Comparatum)
Bidrag til bog/antologi > peer review
Mark Ørberg; Louise Blichfeldt Fjord / Enterprise Foundations as ‘Non-profit Organizations’ Under the EU Pillar Two Directive
I: Intertax, Vol. 51, Nr. 6-7, 2023, s. 472-486
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Louise Blichfeldt Fjord; Peter Koerver Schmidt / The Digital Transformation of Tax Systems : Progress, Pitfalls, and Protection in a Danish Context.
I: Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies, Vol. 30, Nr. 1, 6.2023, s. 227-272
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Jakob Bundgaard; Louise Fjord Kjærsgaard / Denmark
I: Big Data and Tax: Domestic and International Taxation of Data Driven Business. Rotterdam : International Fiscal Association 2022, s. 303-320 (Cahiers de Droit Fiscal International, Vol. 106 B)
Bidrag til bog/antologi > peer review
Louise Blichfeldt Fjord; Peter Koerver Schmidt / The Digital Transformation of Tax Systems : Progress, Pitfalls and Protection in a Danish Context.
: SSRN: Social Science Research Network 2022, 50 s. (CBS LAW Research Paper, Vol. 22-10)
Working paper
Louise Fjord Kjærsgaard / Allocation of the Right to Tax Income from Digital Products and Services : A Legal Analysis of International Tax Treaty Law.
Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School [Phd] 2021, 247 s. (PhD Series, Nr. 27.2021)
Jakob Bundgaard; Louise Fjord Kjærsgaard; Michael Tell / Den skatteretlige omgåelsesklausul
København : Ex Tuto Publishing 2021, 332 s.
Louise Fjord Kjærsgaard; Henrik Guldhammer Nielsen; Katja Dyppel Weber / Denmark
I: Taxation and Value Creation. red. /Werner Haslehner; Marie Lamensch. Amsterdam : IBFD 2021, s. 341-352 (EATLP International Tax Series, Vol. 19)
Bidrag til bog/antologi > peer review
Louise Fjord Kjærsgaard / The Ability to Pay and Economic Allegiance : Justifying Additional Allocation of Taxing Rights to Market States.
I: Intertax, Vol. 49, Nr. 8-9, 2021, s. 636-655
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
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  • CORIT Advisory P/S, 5 years of activity, Consultancy