
Institut for Business Humaniora og Jura

  • Entrepreneurship, Ethics & Leadership Unit

Kontor: POR/18.B-3.131
, Mobil:
+45 31 77 05 83
Marta Gasparin

My background is in management of creative industries (Bocconi and Copenhagen Business School) and philosophy of aesthetics (Kingston University). I have a PhD in design and innovation management (CBS).

In my research, I draw from Science and Technology Studies (STS) and continental philosophy, and I combine studies of design management, innovation, and slow movements with organisation studies. I explore how design and innovation processes emerge, how values are created, and the role of the human and non-human actors in innovation, design, and craft processes, and how these actors mobilise organisational politics and aesthetics.

Designing in the Anthropocene, ethical sustainability, slow design-driven innovation, and the aesthetics of craft are at the core of my investigations. Before joining CBS, I have had research grants (from the British Council, British Academy, Economic and Social Research Council, and Arts and Humanities Research Council) to understand how social innovation can create social improvements to enable the transformation (or establishment) of the creative ecosystem, or to further create wider collective creative engagement and development and to promote cultural heritage.

I am currently researching how craft, slow-design practices and creative enterprises support rural areas, engage with marginalised communities, and create alternative approach to contrast climate change.

I am leading the Horizon Europe Project “Hephaestus” - Heritage in EuroPe: New tecHnologies in crAft for prEserving and innovaTing fUtureS. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement 101095123, running from April 2023 for four years. 

The overarching ambition of HEPHAESTUS is to bring together cutting-edge technologies with traditional craft to co-create solutions in the form of a suite of tools, methodologies, and business models to make the future of European craft ecosystems socially, culturally, environmentally, and economically sustainable.

HEPHAESTUS will test and evaluate solutions co-created across five regional craft ecosystems within a “Future of Craft” Green Living Lab situated in Bornholm, a Danish Island and regional municipality given the title of World Craft Region. Ultimately, the project sets out to create a sustainable network (especially including regional realities) of heritage sites, cultural and creative sectors, institutions, universities, local, regional and national authorities, enterprises, and other relevant stakeholders engaged in preservation of craft heritage that will take the project’s results, further adapt and deploy them in a broader range of craft ecosystems, and ensure a long- lasting legacy of the HEPHAESTUS project.


Primære forskningsområder
  • Craft
  • Creative Entrepreneurship
  • Anthroposcene
  • Slow design
  • Aesthetics and Organization
  • Innovation Management
Link til denne hjemmeside
  • Innovation and Entrepreneurship: A business game
  • Organizational analysis
  • Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  • Innovation and Design Management

  • Creative Entrepreneurship

  • Social Innovation

  • Business Model Innovation

Udvalgte publikationer

Gasparin, M., Green, W., Lilley, S., Quinn, M., Saren, M., & Schinckus, C. (2021). Business as unusual: A business model for social innovation. Journal of Business Research, 125 (March), 698–709.

Gasparin, M., & Quinn, M. (2021). Designing regional innovation systems in transitional economies: A creative ecosystem approach. Growth and Change, 52(2), 1–20.

Gasparin, M., Brown, S. D., Green, W., Hugill, A., Lilley, S., Quinn, M., Schinckus, C., Williams, M., & Zalasiewicz J. (2020). The business school in the Anthropocene: Parasite logic
and pataphysical reasoning for a working Earth. Academy of Management Learning & Education, 19(3), 385–405.

Gasparin, M., Green, W., & Schinckus, C. (2020). Slow design-driven innovation: A response to our future in the Anthropocene epoch. Creativity and Innovation Management, 29(4), 551–565.

Gasparin, M. (2019). Reflections on the epistemology of design: A Simondonian analysis. Reflective Practice, 20(6), 822–833.

Publikationer sorteret efter:
Enrico Macciò; Marta Gasparin / Assembling the Concept of Craft
Paper presented at 40th EGOS Colloquium 2024, 2024
Paper > peer review
Marta Gasparin; Martin Quinn; Steven D. Brown; Enrico Macciò / Organising Politics and Memory Through Critical Fabulation
Paper presented at 18th Organization Studies Workshop, 2024
Paper > peer review
Marta Gasparin; Martin Quinn; Mark Williams; Michael Saren; Simon Lilley; William Green; Steven D. Brown; Jan Zalasiewicz / Reorganizing Public Value for City Life in the Anthropocene
I: Organization, Vol. 31, Nr. 7, 10.2024, s. 1070-1091
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Marta Gasparin; Andrea Beye; Enrico Macciò; Lea Jacobsen; Margot Bustamante / Report for Policymakers With Strategies for Sustainable Craft Ecosystem Management and Heritage Preservation
Frederiksberg : HEPHAESTUS Consortium 2024, 34 s. (Heritage in EuroPe: New tecHnologies in crAft for prEServing and innovaTing fUtureS. HEPHAESTUS Deliverables, Nr. Deliverable D1.2)
Rapport > peer review
Elena Raviola; Marta Gasparin / With Latour in Our Hands : Discovering the Politics of Organizing and the Aesthetic Matter of Things.
I: Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management, Vol. 19, Nr. 5, 2024, s. 35-53
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Elena Raviola; Marta Gasparin; Helena Hansson / Commoning Through Institutional Aesthetics : Crafting Frames, Boundaries and Reflections in Practice.
I: Ephemera: Theory & politics in organization, Vol. 23, Nr. 3, 2023, s. 251-277
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Marta Gasparin; Stephen D. Brown; William Green; Simon Lilley; Martin Quinn; Michael Saren / How to Construct a Time Machine : Dialogic Organizing and Cybernetic Ethics Within the Anthropocene.
I: Proceedings of the Eighty-third Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. red. /Sonia Taneja. Briarcliff Manor, NY : Academy of Management 2023, s. 2896 (Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings)
Konferencebidrag i proceedings > peer review
Rasmus Johnsen; Marta Gasparin / Mourning, Hope and the Ethics of Consolation
Paper presented at 17th Organization Studies Summer Workshop, 2023
Paper > peer review
Marta Gasparin; Marius Gudmand-Høyer; Panozzo Fabrizio / Organising Mending with Non-humans in the Anthropocene
Abstract from 39th EGOS Colloquium 2023, 2023
Konferenceabstrakt til konference
Fabrizio Panozzo; Marta Gasparin; Marius Gudmand-Høyer / Organising Utopia and Mending Dystopia in Anthropocene Venice
Paper presented at 17th Organization Studies Summer Workshop, 2023
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