Institut for Business Humaniora og Jura
- Centre for Business History
- Governance, Culture & Learning Unit
Ph.D fellow at Copenhagen Business School and researcher, curator and organizer of several exhibitions and projects at Den Gamle By, Moesgaard Museum, The Viking Ship Museum in Roskilde and Museum of National History at Frederiksborg Castle. Author of articles and books about museums practice and the use of history in art and culture. Research and development interest in the use of history, identity, audience surveys, valorisation of museums, heritage and culture, museum as a social space and museum institution’s dissemination practice.
Has since 2021 been engaged in the research project “Museums and Identity - An investigation about the value of museums”, an industrial Ph.D. with Copenhagen Business School, Den Gamle By and a number of other Danish museums as partners. The Ph.D. investigate and develop a method for a new type of user survey that can, to a greater extent than existing ones, value the visitors' benefits by visiting museums.
Personal review and research website:
- use of history
- identity
- museum
- heritage and culture
- Martin Brandt Djupdræt: “The Making of the Viking Horned Helmet: Uses of the Past in the Works of Lorenz Frølich, Michael Echter, and Carl Emil Doepler”, Culture and Conflict - Nation-Building in Denmark and Scandinavia, 1800–1930, ed. Sine Krogh, Karina Lykke Grand & Thor J. Mednick. Aarhus University Press. 2022: 180-196.
- Djupdræt, Martin Brandt & Anna Hansen: ”Måder at skabe sociale oplevelser og læringsrum på museerne”, Museet som ett socialt rum och en plats för lärande. Fornvårdaren nr 40. Östersund: Jamtli Förlag, 2021: 43-70.
- Djupdræt, Martin Brandt: “The importance of atmosphere and spatiality in creating social experiences”. Museologica Brunensia, vol. 8, iss. 1, 2019: 2-12.
- Djupdræt, Martin Brandt: ”Historiebevidsthed hos demente. Erindringsforløb, velvære og identitetsdannelse på museer”. Kulturstudier 2018. 1, 2018: 29-61.
Aarhus : AU Library Scholarly Publishing Services 2024, 92 s.
I: Gamle Bys årbog, Vol. 90, Nr. 2024, 21.10.2024, s. 85-97
I: 30th AEOM Conference Skansen Stockholm: Open-Air Museums and the Sustainable Development Goals – Call to Action. Skansen2024, s. 47-48
I: New Challenges – New Learning – New Possibilities: Proceedings from the 9th Nordic Conference on Adult Education and Learning . . red. /Johan Lövgren; Lasse Sonne; Michael Noah Weiss. Zürich : LIT Verlag 2023, s. 139-161 (Folk High School Research, Vol. 2)
Aarhus : Den Gamle By 2023, 74 s.
I: EXARC Journal, Nr. 4, 2023
Paper presented at 9th Nordic Conference on Adult Education and Learning. NAEL 2022, 2022
I: Religion i Danmark, Vol. 11, Nr. 1, 30.5.2022, s. 131-138
I: Culture and Conflict: Nation-Building in Denmark and Scandinavia, 1800-1930. . red. /Sine Krogh; Karina Lykke Grand; Thor J. Mednick. Aarhus : Aarhus Universitetsforlag 2022, s. 181-196
I: Nordisk Museologi, Vol. 34, Nr. 2, 2022, s. 23-42
I: Museet som ett socialt rum och en plats för lärande. red. /Martin Brandt Djupdræt; Anna Hansen; Gustav Wollentz; Lasse Sonne. Östersund : Jamtli Förlag 2021, s. 83-93 (Fornvårdaren, Nr. 40)
Östersund : Jamtli Förlag 2021, 153 s. (Fornvårdaren, Nr. 40)
I: Museet som ett socialt rum och en plats för lärande. red. /Martin Brandt Djupdræt; Anna Hansen; Gustav Wollentz; Lasse Sonne. Östersund : Jamtli Förlag 2021, s. 7-22 (Fornvårdaren, Nr. 40)
I: Museet som ett socialt rum och en plats för lärande. red. /Martin Brandt Djupdræt; Anna Hansen; Gustav Wollentz; Lasse Sonne. Östersund : Jamtli Förlag 2021, s. 71-82 (Fornvårdaren, Nr. 40)
I: Association of European Open Air Museums: The 29th AEOM Conference. . red. /Magdalena Psiuk; Agnieszka Kreduszyłska-Kamionka; Jarosęaw Gaęfiza; Julie Wilson. : Association of Polish Open Air Museums 2019, s. 46-51
I: National Museum Reports 2023Wageningen : EMA European Museum Academy 2024, s. 28-29
: Monitormedier A/S 3.4.2024
København : Monitormedier A/S 26.5.2023
I: Danske Museer, Vol. 35, Nr. Vinter, 2022, s. 48-49
I: Danske Museer, Vol. 34, Nr. Vinter, 2021, s. 54-55