
Institut for Organisation

  • Organizations, Markets and Governance (OMG)

Kontor: KIL/14.A-3.41
+45 52 23 88 36

My work is located at the intersection of digitalization, economic sociology and international political economy. My research focuses on digitalization processes in the insurance sector and on the organization of cyber risk.

For the past years, I have found particular interest in studying market- and professional dynamics in the context of emerging transnational issue areas.

My current focus is on the digital transformation of insurance work. In this context, I am working on a project with Leonard Seabrooke and in collaboration with several Danish universities.

I take inspiration from diverse research traditions, including sociological approaches to knowledge and risk, and institutional theory.


Primære forskningsområder
  • Cybersecurity
  • Digitalization
  • Experts, professions, and expertise
  • Transnational governance
  • Risk
Curriculum Vitae
Link til denne hjemmeside
  • Business, Politics, and Society; BSc in Business Administration and Sociology
  • Regulation and Governance of Digital Business; BSc in Digital Management
  • Advanced Economic Sociology; BSc in Business Administration and Sociology
  • Governing Risk in the World Economy; MSc International Business and Politics

I supervise bachelor projects related to my research interests.

Udvalgte publikationer
  • Willers, J. O. (2021). Seeding the cloud: Consultancy services in the nascent field of cyber capacity building. Public Administration.
  • DeSombre, W., Gjesvik, L., & Willers, J. O. (2021). Surveillance Technology at the Fair: Proliferation of Cyber Capabilities in International Arms Markets. Atlantic Council Issue Brief
  • Seabrooke, L.; Tsingou, L.; Willers, J. O. (2020). The Political Economy of Policy Vacuums: The European Commission on Demographic Change. New Political Economy, 25(6). Pp. 1007-1021
  • In: New Political Economy, Vol. 25, No. 6, 12.2020, p. 1007-1021


Publikationer sorteret efter:
Lars Gjesvik; Johann Ole Willers / Beyond Control? : The Political Economy of Private Interception, Intrusion, and Surveillance Markets.
I: Review of International Political Economy, 12.7.2024
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Johann Ole Willers / The Politics of Cybersecurity in the Middle East: By James Shires
I: Journal of Development Studies, Vol. 59, Nr. 11, 11.2023, s. 1785-1786
Johann Ole Willers / Seeding the Cloud : Consultancy Services in the Nascent Field of Cyber Capacity Building.
I: Public Administration, Vol. 100, Nr. 3, 9.2022, s. 538-553
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Johann Ole Willers / Experts and Markets in Cybersecurity : On Definitional Power and the Organization of Cyber Risks.
Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School [Phd] 2021, 209 s. (PhD Series, Nr. 35.2021)
Winnona DeSombre; Lars Gjesvik; Johann Ole Willers / Surveillance Technology at the Fair : Proliferation of Cyber Capabilities in International Arms Markets.
Washington, DC : Atlantic Council 2021, 21 s.
Niels Nagelhus Schia; Johann Ole Willers / Digital Vulnerabilities and the Sustainable Development Goals in Developing Countries
I: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure. red. /Walter Leal Filho; Anabela Marisa Azul; Luciana Brandli; Amanda Lange Salvia; Tony Wall. Cham : Springer 2020 (Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals)
Bidrag til bog/antologi > peer review
Johann Ole Willers / Hvem er cybereksperten? : Ekspertise og professioner i cybersikkerhedsfeltet.
I: Økonomi og Politik, Vol. 93, Nr. 3, 10.2020, s. 59-75
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Leonard Seabrooke; Eleni Tsingou; Johann Ole Willers / The Political Economy of Policy Vacuums : The European Commission on Demographic Change.
I: New Political Economy, Vol. 25, Nr. 6, 12.2020, s. 1007-1021
Lars Gjesvik; Johann Ole Willers / Huawei og geopolitiseringen av teknologi
Oslo : Den Norske Atlanterhavskomité 14.6.2019
Udgivelser på nettet - Net-publikation
Leonard Seabrooke; Eleni Tsingou; Johann Ole Willers / Experts Networks and the European Commission on Demographic Change
Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School, CBS 2018, 17 s.
Working paper

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