Institut for Organisation
- Center for Organizational Research on Impact (CORI)
- Centre for Organization and Time (COT)
- imagine .. Centre for Creative Industries and Institutions

Silviya Svejenova investigates how creativity, innovation, and strategic leadership can enable sustainable futures, inclusion, and positive impact.
She has published several books and edited volumes, as well as a wealth of articles in academic journals such as Organization Science, Organization Studies, Journal of Management Studies, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Journal of International Business Studies, European Management Review, Long Range Planning, and MIT Sloan Management Review.
She has been Chair and Executive Board member of EGOS, the European Group for Organizational Studies, and long-term coordinator of its PhD workshop. Currently, she is the incoming Chair of the Board of SCANCOR, the Scandinavian Consortium for Organizational Research, a Senior Editor of Organization Studies, and a VP Research of IFSAM, the International Federation of Scholarly Associations of Management.
• Creative and strategic leadership
• Innovation and sustainable futures
• Inclusion, impact and multimodality
• Academic line coordinator, MSoSc in Management of Creative Business Processes (CBP)
Academic Co-director, CBS Leadership Center
Co-director, imagine.. Creative Industries and Institutions Research Centre
Centre for Organization and Time (COT)
Center for Organizational Research on Impact (CORI)
SMAP - brand for good workplace architecture
The Temporality of Food Innovation
Incoming Chair of the Board, SCANCOR, The Scandinavian Consortium for Organizational Research
VP Research, IFSAM (International Federation of Scholarly Associations of Management)
Strategy, Organization, and Leadership (MSc in EBA), Strategy & Identity (course coordinator and teacher)
Master and PhD theses
PhD course, Humanistic Approaches to Societal and Global Challenges (Fluid organizations and grand challenges)
Stjerne, I., Wenzel, M., & Svejenova, S. 2022. Commitment to Grand Challenges in Fluid Forms of Organizing: The Role of Narratives’ Temporality. Research in the Sociology of Organizing, 79, 139-160.
Alvarez, J.L. & Svejenova, S. 2021. The Changing C-suite: Executive Power in Transformation. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Slavich, B., Svejenova, S., Opazo, M.P., & Patriotta, G. 2020. Politics of Meaning in Categorizing Innovation: How Chefs Advanced Molecular Gastronomy by Resisting the Label. Organization Studies, 41(2): 267-290. (Roland Calori Prize 2021)
Boxenbaum, E., Jones, C., Meyer, R., & Svejenova, S. 2018. Towards an Articulation of the Material and Visual Turn in Organization Studies. Organization Studies, 39(5-6): 597-616.
Jones, C., Svejenova, S., Strandgaard Pedersen, J., & Townley, B. 2016. Misfits, Mavericks and Mainstreams: Drivers of Innovation in the Creative Industries. Organization Studies, 37(6): 751-768.
Jones, C., Maoret, M., Massa, F.G., & Svejenova, S. 2012. Rebels with a Cause: Formation, Contestation, and Expansion of the De Novo Category “Modern Architecture,” 1870–1975. Organization Science, 23(6), 1523-1545.
I pressen
I: Organization Studies, Vol. 46, Nr. 3, 3.2025, s. 311-323
I: An Ecology of Ideas Permeating Science, Higher Education, and Society: Essays for Kerstin Sahlin. . red. /Stefan Arora-Jonsson; Linda Wedlin; Josef Pallas; Maria Blomgren. Uppsala : Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis 2024, s. 225-242 (Studia Oeconomiae Negotiorum, Vol. 53)
I: Proceedings of the Eighty-third Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. red. /Sonia Taneja. Briarcliff Manor, NY : Academy of Management 2023, 1 s. (Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings)
I: Organization as Time: Technology, Power and Politics. . red. /François-Xavier de Vaujany; Robin Holt; Albane Grandazzi. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press 2023, s. 36-60
I: Organization as Time: Technology, Power and Politics. . red. /François-Xavier de Vaujany; Robin Holt; Albane Grandazzi. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press 2023, s. 229-255
Paper presented at 13th International Symposium on Process Organization Studies PROS 2022, 2022
Abstract from 17th Workshop on New Institutionalism in Organization Theory, 2022
I: Organizing for Societal Grand Challenges. red. /Ali Aslan Gümüsay ; Emilio Marti; Hannah Trittin-Ulbrich; Christopher Wickert. Bingley : Emerald Group Publishing 2022, s. 139-160 (Research in the Sociology of Organizations, Vol. 79)
I: Managing Cultural Festivals: Tradition and Innovation in Europe . . red. /Elisa Salvador; Jesper Strandgaard Pedersen. Abingdon : Routledge 2022, s. 34-51 (Routledge Research in the Creative and Cultural Industries)
I: The Making and Circulation of Nordic Models, Ideas and Images. red. /Haldor Byrkjeflot; Lars Mjøset; Mads Mordhorst; Klaus Petersen. Abingdon : Routledge 2022, s. 229-250 (Nordic Studies in a Global Context)
Oxford : Oxford University Press 2022, 270 s.
I: Organization Studies, Vol. 42, Nr. 2, 2.2021, s. 175-193
London : SAGE Publications 2021, 205 s. (Organization Studies, Nr. 2, Vol. 42)
Paper presented at 36th EGOS Colloquium 2020, 2021
I: Organizing Creativity in the Innovation Journey . red. /Elke Schüssler ; Patrick Cohendet; Silviya Svejenova. Bingley : Emerald Group Publishing 2021, s. 1-16 (Research in the Sociology of Organizations, Vol. 75)
Bingley : Emerald Group Publishing 2021, 296 s. (Research in the Sociology of Organizations, Vol. 75)
I: Proceedings of the Eighty-first Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. red. /Sonia Taneja. Briarcliff Manor, NY : Academy of Management 2021, 1 s., s. 15636 (Academy of Management Proceedings)
I: European Management Review, Vol. 18, Nr. 4, 12.2021, s. 389-403
I: Collaborative Spaces at Work: Innovation, Creativity and Relations. . red. /Fabrizio Montanari; Elisa Mattarelli; Anna Chiara Scapolan. Abingdon : Routledge 2021, s. 197-216 (Routledge Advances in Management and Business Studies)
I: Organization Studies, Vol. 41, Nr. 2, 2.2020, s. 267-290
I: Organization Studies, Vol. 40, Nr. 1, 1.2019, s. 59-64
Abstract from 35th EGOS Colloquium 2019, 2019
I: Creative Leadership: Contexts and Prospects. . red. /Charalampos Mainemelis; Olga Epitropaki; Ronit Kark. New York : Routledge 2018, s. 171-188 (Routledge Studies in Leadership Research)
I: Frontiers of Creative Industries: Exploring Structural and Categorical Dynamics. . red. /Candace Jones; Massimo Maoret. Bingley : Emerald Group Publishing 2018, s. 47-72 (Research in the Sociology of Organizations, Vol. 55)
I: Multimodality, Meaning, and Institutions. red. /Markus A. Höllerer; Thibault Daudigeos; Dennis Jancsary. Vol. 54B, Bingley : Emerald Group Publishing 2018, s. 203-234 (Research in the Sociology of Organizations, Vol. 54B)
London : SAGE Publications 2018, 247 s. (Organization Studies, Nr. 5-6, Vol. 39)
I: Organization Studies, Vol. 39, Nr. 5-6, 6.2018, s. 597-616
I: New Themes in Institutional Analysis: Topics and Issues from European Research. . red. /Georg Krücken; Carmelo Mazza; Renate E. Meyer; Peter Walgenbach. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing 2017, s. 135-161
Paper presented at The Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2017, 2017
Paper presented at The 32nd EGOS Colloquium 2016, 2016
I: Organization Studies, Vol. 37, Nr. 12, 2016, s. 1771-1792
Paper presented at 12th Workshop on New Institutionalism in Organization Theory , 2016
I: Organization Studies, Vol. 37, Nr. 6, 2016, s. 751-768
I: European Management Review, Vol. 13, Nr. 4, 2016, s. 237–250
Paper presented at The 32nd EGOS Colloquium 2016, 2016
I: Proceedings of the Seventy-sixth Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. red. /John Humphreys. Briar Cliff Manor, NY : Academy of Management 2016, s. 1378-1382 (Academy of Management Proceedings)
I: Handbook of Qualitative Organizational Research: Innovative Pathways and Methods. . red. /Kimberly Elsbach; Roderick Kramer. New York : Routledge 2016, s. 298-308
I: Industry and Innovation, Vol. 22, Nr. 8, 2015, s. 649-653
I: The Oxford Handbook of Creative Industries. red. /Candace Jones; Mark Lorenzen; Jonathan Sapsed. Oxford : Oxford University Press 2015, s. 184-199
I: Advanced Strategic Management: A Multi-Perspective Approach. . red. /Mark Jenkins; Véronique Ambrosini; Nardine Mowbray. New York : Palgrave Macmillan 2015, s. 247-261
I: Journal of Culinary Science & Technology (Print Edition), Vol. 11, Nr. 1, 2013, s. 36-55
I: Harvard - Deusto Business Review, Nr. 228, 11.2013, s. 24-30, 32-34
I: Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, Vol. 20, Nr. 4, 11.2013, s. 394-407
I: Nordiske Organisasjonsstudier, Vol. 15, Nr. 4, 2013, s. 68-90
I: Organization Science, Vol. 23, Nr. 6, 2012, s. 1523-1545
I: Børsen, 31.10.2024, s. 10
I: Creativity as a Driver for Green TransitionCopenhagen : Creative Denmark 2023, s. 34-35
I: Børsen, 5.3.2022
CBS-tænketank giver sit bud på fremtidens ledelse
The X Factor in Crafting New CXO Roles Successfully
Innovating for a sustainable future of food
CBS professor wins prestigious award: The first thing I did was to buy a bottle of chilled champagne
Silviya Svejenova investigates how creativity, innovation, and strategic leadership can enable sustainable futures.
She has published several books and edited volumes, as well as a wealth of articles in academic journals such as Organization Science, Organization Studies, Journal of Management Studies, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Journal of International Business Studies, European Management Review, Long Range Planning, and MIT Sloan Management Review.
She has been Chair and Executive Board member of EGOS, the European Group for Organizational Studies, and long-term coordinator of its PhD workshop. Currently, she is Senior Editor of Organization Studies and VP Research of IFSAM, the International Federation of Scholarly Associations of Management.
No outside activities to report
No outside activities to report
No outside activities to report
No outside activities to report
BI Norwegian Business School, Oslo, Norway
Adjunct Professor, Department of Leadership and Organizational Behaviour
BI Norwegian Business School, Oslo, Norway
Adjunct Professor, Department of Leadership and Organizational Behaviour
WU (Vienna University of Economics and Business), Vienna, Austria
Guest Professor