PhD in Accounting or Corporate Governance - information meeting
PhD information meeting

PhD information meeting (online)
Date: March 24, 2021
Link to MS Teams: Click here to join meeting
16.30-16.45 Welcome and about being a PhD student at the Department of Accounting
Associate Professor Thomas Poulsen, PhD coordinator
16.45-17.15 Insight reports from two PhD students: Themes, experiences and expectations
Industrial PhD student Kasper Regenburg Jønsson
PhD student Niina Hakala
17.15-17.30 Meet the faculty: Breakout rooms hosted by Niina, Kasper and Thomas
17.30-17.45 Wrap up, how to proceed, Q and A and goodbye
Thomas Poulsen
“Accounting is about human interaction and decision making. In one way or the other, the concept of accountability is at the core of everything we do at our department. If this resonates with you, consider joining our online PhD information meeting”.
Associate Professor Thomas Poulsen, PhD coordinator