
Institut for Regnskab

Caroline Aggestam

Kontor: SOL/C4.21

Caroline Aggestam Pontoppidan has a PhD in accounting from CBS (2005) and before joining CBS she worked with UNICEF from 1997 and 2001. She is a certified (Prince2) project manager with over 8 years work experience with various bodies of the United Nations. She has worked on projects in numerous developing economies. Caroline Aggestam’s research interests mainly include the institutional interplay and the governance of global public sector accountancy practice. Her current work is focused on the interlinkages between SDGs and integrated reporting in the private and public sector.  She has established a project (PREMSED),
that is designed to connect selected SDGs and economic sustainability, through the establishment of a framework that ties together, the SDGs, indicators/measurements (input) and integrated reporting by enterprises (output) in, in particular developing economies.  She also works also extensively on studying the accounting practices of public sector institutions. A second research theme of Caroline if that of the global governance of professional accountants competence.

Primære forskningsområder
  • Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the development of integrated reporting and thinking, establishing measurability

  • Global governance of public sector financial reporting; International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS) and European Public Sector Accounting Standards (EPSAS)

  • Financial accounting and governance in the United Nations, European Union and other international institutions

  • International institutional logics and public sector accounting financial accounting

Link til denne hjemmeside
  • Perspectives on Governing Sustainable Development (PPHDU1133U.LA_E22)/Ph.D. Course
  • HD-suppleringsfag (KAN-CCMAO1086U)/Graduate
  • Environmental Social and Governance (ESG): data, accounting and reporting (KAN-CCBLV1032U) / Graduate
  • Critical Cases in Environmental Social and Governance (ESG) and Sustainable Investment (KAN-CCBLV1031U) / Graduate


  • Accounting, financial reporting, integrated reporting and SDGs in developing economies

  • International Public sector accounting (Financial accounting and governance in the United Nations, European Union and other international institutions)

  • International institutional interplay and financial accounting

  • Global regulation of Audit and accounting education

Udvalgte publikationer
  • Sotirios Karatzimas; Jens Heiling; Caroline Aggestam Pontoppidan / Public Sector Accounting Education : A Structured Literature Review. I: Public Money and Management, 27.4.2022
  • Amanda Sonnerfeldt; Caroline Aggestam Pontoppidan / The Continuous Translation of the Idea of Integrated Reporting (IR) : The Travel of IR to a Public Sector Entity. I: Accounting Forum, 5.2.2022
  • Anne-Karen Hüske; Caroline Aggestam Pontoppidan / GEROCO : A Model for Integrating Sustainability in Management Education at HEIs. I: Leadership Strategies for Promoting Social Responsibility in Higher Education . red. /Enakshi Sengupta; Patrick Blessinger; Craig Mahoney. Bingley : Emerald Group Publishing 2020, s. 93-109 (Innovation in Higher Education Teaching and Learning, Vol. 24)
  • Amanda Sonnerfeldt; Caroline Aggestam Pontoppidan / The Challenges of Assurance on Non-financial Reporting. I: Accounting, Economics, and Law: A Convivium, Vol. 10, Nr. 2, 7.2020
  • Caroline Aggestam Pontoppidan; Amanda Sonnerfeldt / The Rise of Integrated Reporting in the Public Sector : An Analysis of Transnational Governance Interactions. I: New Trends in Public Sector Reporting: Integrated Reporting and Beyond. . red. /Francesca Manes-Rossi; Rebecca Levy Orelli. Cham : Springer 2020, s. 15-34 (Public Sector Financial Management
Publikationer sorteret efter:
Karin Alm; Caroline Aggestam Pontoppidan; Daniela Argento / Bridging the Theory–practice Gap Through Work Integrated Learning- educating Students as Change Agents Advancing the SDGs : A Case Study of WIL in Higher Education at a Master’s Program in Sweden.
I: The Contribution of Universities Towards Education for Sustainable Development. red. /Walter Leal Filho; Thais Dibbern; Salvador Ruiz de Maya; María-del-Carmen Alarcón-del-Amo; Longinos Marin Rives. Cham : Springer 2024, s. 579–593 (World Sustainability Series)
Bidrag til bog/antologi > peer review
Chonlawan Thammaraksa; Caroline Herlev Gebara; Michael Zwicky Hauschild; Caroline Aggestam Pontoppidan; Alexis Laurent / Business Reporting of Sustainable Development Goals : Global Trends and Implications.
I: Business Strategy and the Environment, 8.4.2024
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Caroline Aggestam Pontoppidan; Marco Bisogno; Josette Caruana; Giovanna Dabbicco / Safeguarding Our Roots : Natural Resources Accounting and Reporting in the Public Sector.
I: Meditari Accountancy Research, Vol. 32, Nr. 7, 4.7.2024, s. 147-170
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Caroline A. Pontoppidan / Teaching the Next Generation of Accountants : Integrating Financial, Environmental, Social and Governance Accounting and Reporting Practices.
I: Business Education in the 21st Century: Developing Discipline Competences and Transformation Capabilities. . red. /Adam Lindgreen; Eleri Rosier; Antonia Erz; Ben Marder; Sylvia von Wallpach. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing 2024, s. 371–385
Bidrag til bog/antologi > peer review
Samuel Petros; Karin Alm; Christian Koch; Caroline Aggestam Pontoppidan / Unveiling the Educational Potential of Integrating i5 Impactful Learning to Work Integrated Learning Fostering Transformative and Sustainable Learning
Abstract from 3rd PRME Chapter Nordic Responsible Management Education Symposium, 2024
Konferenceabstrakt til konference > peer review
Karin Alm; Caroline Aggestam Pontoppidan; Daniela Argento / Escaping the Dualism of Theory and Practice While Advancing Agenda 2030 : The Design and Execution of WIL in a Swedish Context.
Paper presented at World Symposium of Climate Change and Sustainable Development Centres, 2023
Caroline Aggestam Pontoppidan / IPSAS : History, Spread and Use.
I: European Public Sector Accounting. red. /Peter C. Lorson; Susana Jorge; Ellen Haustein. Coimbra : Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra 2023, s. 175-207
Bidrag til bog/antologi > peer review
Caroline Aggestam Pontoppidan; Melanie L. Feldhues / Karriereaspirationer hos unge revisorer : Del 3: Hvor meget identificerer unge revisorer sig med branchen?.
I: Revision & Regnskabsvæsen, Vol. 92, Nr. 8, 11.2023, s. 28-33
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Caroline Aggestam Pontoppidan; Melanie L. Feldhues / Karriereaspirationer hos unge revisorer Del 1 : Hvad sætter unge revisorer pris på i deres arbejde i revisorbranchen?.
I: Revision & Regnskabsvæsen, Vol. 92, Nr. 6, 6.2023, s. 24-31
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Caroline Aggestam Pontoppidan; Melanie L. Feldhues / Karriereaspirationer hos unge revisorer Del 2 : Hvilken betydning har mentoring? .
I: Revision & Regnskabsvæsen, Vol. 92, Nr. 7, 7.2023, s. 28-35
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
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University of Kristianstad; Part-time teacher; 2019 – ongoing