
Institut for Regnskab


Kontor: SOL/D4.36

Dr. Pall Rikhardsson is a professor at Reykjavik University, Iceland, and a visiting associate professor at Copenhagen Business School. Pall holds a PhD degree from Aarhus School of Business in Denmark. He has previously worked as a senior manager at PwC in Denmark, associate professor at Aarhus School of Business, business advisor at SAS Institute in Denmark and as a senior consultant at Herbert Nathan & Co in Denmark.

His current research and teaching interests focus on management accounting, performance management, and impact of emerging technologies on accounting and auditing. He also holds a part time position as service development manager at Planet Youth.

Primære forskningsområder
  • Performance measurement
  • Management control systems
  • Accounting Information Systems
  • Digitalization of accounting


Link til denne hjemmeside
  • Customer and Firm Profitability in the Sales Management program
Udvalgte publikationer
  • Quinn, M., P. Cleary, C. Batt, P. Rikhardsson (2021). Accounting and information systems in Irish Family Firms: Professionalization Effects. Journal of Accounting and Management Information Systems 20(3), 454-476.
  • Rikhardsson, P., Rohde, C., Christensen, L. and Batt, C.E. (2021), "Management controls and crisis: evidence from the banking sector", Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, Vol. 34 No. 4, pp. 757-785
  • Rikhardsson, P. & O. Yigitbasiog (2018). Business intelligence & analytics in management accounting research: Status and future focus. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems. Vol. 29: pp. 37-58
  • Rikhardsson, P, T. Karlsson, C. Batt (2015): Hinn íslenski Fjármálastjóri: Einkenni, Umhverfi og Verkefni
  • Sigurjonsson, T., A. Arnardottir, V. Vaiman, P. Rikhardsson (2014) Managers view on Ethics Education in Business Schools: An Empirical Study. Journal of Business Ethics, May 2014 pp. 2-14


Publikationer sorteret efter:
Pall Rikhardsson; Kristinn R. Thórisson; Gudmundur Bergthorsson; Catherine Batt / Artificial Intelligence and Auditing in Small- and Medium-sized Firms : Expectations and Applications.
I: AI Magazine, Vol. 43, Nr. 3, 9.2022, s. 323-336
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Peter Cleary; Martin Quinn; Pall Rikhardsson; Catherine Batt / Exploring the Links between IT Tools, Management Accounting Practices and SME Performance : Perceptions of CFOs in Ireland.
I: Accounting, Finance & Governance Review, 23.5.2022
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Martin Quinn; Peter Cleary; Catherine Batt; Pall Rikhardsson / Accounting and Information Systems in Irish Family SME : Professionalisation Effects .
I: Journal of Accounting and Management Information Systems, Vol. 20, Nr. 3, 2021, s. 454-476
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Catherine Batt; Pall Rikhardsson; Thorlakur Karlsson / Exploring the Impact of Organizational Context on Budgeting
I: Corporate Ownership and Control, Vol. 18, Nr. 4, 2021, s. 134-151
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Leif Christensen; Pall Rikhardsson; Carsten Rohde; Catherine Batt / Finanskrisens indvirkning på islandske og danske bankers ledelsesstyringssystemer
I: Revision & Regnskabsvæsen, Vol. 90, Nr. 5, 2021, s. 16-29
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Pall Rikhardsson; Stefan Wendt; Audur Arna Arnardottir; Olaf Sigurjonsson / Is More Really Better? : Performance Measure Variety and Environmental Uncertainty.
I: International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, Vol. 70, Nr. 6, 2021, s. 1446-1469
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Pall Rikhardsson; Carsten Rohde; Leif Christensen; Catherine E. Batt / Management Controls and Crisis : Evidence from the Banking Sector.
I: Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal, Vol. 34, Nr. 4, 6.2021, s. 757-785
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Pall Rikhardsson; Stefan Wendt / Iceland
I: Insights into Accounting Education in a COVID-19 World. red. /Alan Sangster; Greg Stoner; Barbara Flood. : Routledge 2020, s. 486-488 (Accounting Education, Nr. 5, Vol. 29)
Bidrag til bog/antologi > peer review
Catherine Batt; Peter Cleary; Martin R. W. Hiebl; Marin Quinn; Pall Rikhardsson / The Digitalization of Family Firms : A Research Agenda.
I: A Research Agenda for Family Business: A Way Ahead for the Field. . red. /Andrea Calabrò. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing 2020, s. 247-260 (Elgar Research Agendas)
Bidrag til bog/antologi > peer review
Pall Rikhardsson; Kishore Singh; Peter Best / Exploring Continuous Auditing Solutions and Internal Auditing : A Research Note.
I: Journal of Accounting and Management Information Systems, Vol. 18, Nr. 4, 2019, s. 614-639
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
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