
Institut for Regnskab

Thomas Holde

Kontor: SOL/D4.28
E-mail: tsph.acc@cbs.dk
Thomas Skinnerup

My research concerns itself with public sector accounting and the influence of economic theory on the design of public sector accounting and the consequences of economics on the organizational work of the public sector organizations. Drawing on sociological theory I am current investigating the introduction of a new common chart of accounts at the Danish universities. My focus is on how economic concepts of productivity influences and performs the design and use of the new accounting practice and how such new accounting practices are involved with the management of universities.


Primære forskningsområder
  • Public sector accounting
  • Sociological perspectives on accounting
  • University management
Sociale medier
Link til denne hjemmeside
  • Management Accounting (Økonomistyring) at HA(Psyk)
  • Management Acocunting and Project Management at HA(Pro)
  • Implementation of Accounting at Cand.Merc(ASC)
Udvalgte publikationer
  • Skinnerup, T. (2022) Trives trivsel I målstyringen af universiteternes? En analyse af studentertrivsel i de strategiske rammekontrakter. Danish Journal of Educational Studies 1 (1) p. 116-124.
  • Banghøj, J., Christensen, L., Larsen, J. G., Rohde, C., Skinnerup, T., Skærbæk, P. (2021) Common Chart of Accounts: Calculating Unit Costs at Universities. In: Public Sector Reform and Performance Mangement in Developed Economies: Outcome-based Approaches in Practice. Red. Zahirul Hoque. New York. Routledge. P. 152-176.


Publikationer sorteret efter:
Thomas Holde Skinnerup / Økonomiske tal i styringen af universiteterne – mulige effekter og udfordringer
I: Forskningspolitikk, Vol. 47, Nr. 2, 5.2024, s. 6-7
Thomas Skinnerup; Peter Skærbæk; Kjell Tryggestad / The Trials of Strength between Economics and Accounting : Making the Danish Universities’ Productivity Measurable.
Paper presented at NTNU Trondheim Business School Conference, 2022
Thomas Skinnerup / Trives trivsel i målstyringen af universiteterne? : En analyse af studentertrivsel i de strategiske rammekontrakter.
I: Tidsskrift for Uddannelsesvidenskab , Vol. 1, Nr. 1, 2022, s. 117-124
Jesper Banghøj; Leif Christensen; Jytte Grambo Larsen; Carsten Rohde; Thomas Skinnerup; Peter Skærbæk / Common Chart of Accounts : Calculating Unit Costs at Universities .
I: Public Sector Reform and Performance Management in Developed Economies: Outcomes-based Approaches in Practice. . red. /Zahirul Hoque. New York : Routledge 2021, s. 152-176 (Routledge Studies in Management, Organizations and Society)
Bidrag til bog/antologi > peer review
Peter Skærbæk; Jesper Banghøj; Leif Christensen; Jytte Grambo Larsen; Carsten Rohde; Thomas Skinnerup / Universiteternes nye kontoplan og dens fokus på beregning af enhedsomkostninger : Rapport fra delprojekt 3: Finansiering af den offentlige forskning i Danmark.
Frederiksberg : Institut for Regnskab. Copenhagen Business School 2019, 55 s.
Peter Skærbæk; Jesper Banghøj; Leif Christensen; Jytte Grambo Larsen; Carsten Rohde; Thomas Skinnerup / Universiteternes nye kontoplan og dens fokus på beregning af enhedsomkostninger : PIXI-udgave af rapport fra delprojekt 3: Finansiering af den offentlige forskning i Danmark.
Frederiksberg : Institut for Regnskab. Copenhagen Business School 2019, 4 s.