Institut for Strategi og Innovation
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Christoph Grimpe er Professor i Innovation og Iværksætteri ved Institut for Strategi og Innovation på CBS. Før han kom til CBS i 2010, arbejdede han som seniorforsker ved Leibniz Center for European Economic Research (ZEW) i Mannheim (Tyskland). Han har en ph.d. i fra WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management - i Vallendar (Tyskland) og kandidatgrader i ledelse og politisk videnskab. Hans forskning drejer sig om virksomheders innovationsstrategier, humankapital og den strategiske brug af intellektuel ejendomsret. Han har publiceret i tidsskrifter som Academy of Management Journal, Strategic Management Journal, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, Strategy Science, Journal of International Business Studies, Research Policy og Nature Biotechnology. Han er tilknyttet DRUID - den Danske forskningsenhed for industriel dynamik og Leibniz Center for European Economic Research (ZEW). På CBS er han undervisningsansvarlig for cand. merc. programmet ”Management of Innovation and Business Development”. Han blev udpeget som rådsmedlem i Danmarks Frie Forskningsfond.
- Åbne og distribuerede innovationsprocesser
- Industri-forsknings interaktion
- Appropriability strategier
- Internationalisering af innovationsstyring
- Innovation and Knowledge (MSc)
- Management and Economics of Innovation (PhD)
- Arroyabe, Marta F., Christoph Grimpe and Katrin Hussinger (2024), Safeguarding Secrets, Shaping Acquisitions: Trade Secret Protection and the Role of Distance Between Acquirer and Target, Strategy Science, forthcoming.
- Cherif, Reda, Christoph Grimpe, Fuad Hasanov and Wolfgang Sofka (2023), Promoting Innovation: The Differential Impact of R&D Subsidies, Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade, 23, 187-241.
- Grimpe, Christoph, Katrin Hussinger and Wolfgang Sofka (2023), Reaching beyond the acquirer-target dyad in M&A – Linkages to external knowledge sources and target firm valuation, Long Range Planning, 56, 102321.
- Grimpe, Christoph, Wolfgang Sofka and Ulrich Kaiser (2023), Competing for Digital Human Capital – The Retention Effect of Digital Expertise in MNC Subsidiaries, Journal of International Business Studies, 54, 657-685.
- Kaiser, Ulrich, Wolfgang Sofka and Christoph Grimpe (2023), Creating marketing innovation abroad: The value of marketing professionals in foreign MNC subsidiaries, Industrial Marketing Management, 112, 145-159.
- Grimpe, Christoph, Wolfgang Sofka and Andreas Distel (2022), SME Participation in Research Grant Consortia – The Emergence of Coordinated Attention in Collaborative Innovation, Small Business Economics, 59, 1567-1592.
- Sofka, Wolfgang, Christoph Grimpe, Fuad Hasanov and Reda Cherif (2022), The Effects of Host-Country R&D Subsidies on R&D Investments and Innovation Performance of MNC Subsidiaries, Journal of International Business Policy, 5(3), 296-327.
- Sofka, Wolfgang, Christoph Grimpe and Ulrich Kaiser (2022), Understanding the Unwritten Rules of the Game: Government Work Experience and Salary Premiums in Foreign MNC Subsidiaries, Journal of International Business Studies, 53, 1110-1132.
- Grimpe, Christoph, Timo Minssen, W. Nicholson Price II, Ariel D. Stern (2022), Will mRNA Technology Companies Spawn Innovation Ecosystems? Harvard Business Review (online), April 18, 2022.
- Beck, Susanne, Carsten Bergenholtz, Marcel Bogers, Tiare Brasseur, Maria Louise Conradsen, Diletta Di Marco, Andreas Philipp Distel, Leonhard Dobusch, Daniel Dörler, Agnes Effert, Benedikt Fecher, Despoina Filiou, Lars Frederiksen, Thomas Gillier, Christoph Grimpe, Marc Gruber, Carolin Haeussler, Florian Heigl, Karin Hoisl, Katie Hyslop, Olga Kokshagina, Marcel LaFlamme, Cornelia Lawson, Hila Lifshitz-Assaf, Wolfgang Lukas, Markus Nordberg, Maria-Theresa Norn, Marion Poetz, Marisa Ponti, Gernot Pruschak, Laia Pujol Priego, Agnieszka Radziwon, Janet Frances Rafner, Gergana Petrova Romanova, Alexander Ruser, Henry Sauermann, Sonali K. Shah, Jacob Friis Sherson, Julia Suess-Reyes, Christopher L. Tucci, Philipp Tuertscher, Jane Bjørn Vedel, Theresa Velden, Roberto Verganti, Jonathan Wareham, Andrea Wiggins, and Sunny Mosangzi Xu (2022), The Open Innovation in Science Research Field: A Collaborative Conceptualisation Approach, Industry and Innovation, 29(2), 136-185.
- Belderbos, René and Christoph Grimpe (2020), Learning in Foreign and Domestic Value Chains: The Role of Opportunities and Capabilities, Industrial and Corporate Change, 29(6), 1431-1450.
- Egelie, Knut J., Haakon Tue Lie, Christoph Grimpe and Roger Sørheim (2019), Access and Openness in Biotechnology Research Collaborations Between Universities and Industry, Nature Biotechnology, 37, 1413-1419.
- Grimpe, Christoph, Martin Murmann and Wolfgang Sofka (2019), Organizational Design Choices of High-Tech Startups – How Middle Management Drives Innovation Performance, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 13, 359-378.
- Grimpe, Christoph, Ulrich Kaiser and Wolfgang Sofka (2019), Signaling Valuable Human Capital: Advocacy Group Work Experience and its Effect on Employee Pay in Innovative Firms, Strategic Management Journal, 40(4), 685-710.
- Olsen, Anders Ørding, Wolfgang Sofka and Christoph Grimpe (2017), Solving Environmental Problems: Knowledge and Coordination in Collaborative Search, Long Range Planning, 50, 726-740.
- Grimpe, Christoph, Wolfgang Sofka, Mukesh Bhargava and Rabikar Chatterjee (2017), R&D, marketing innovation, and new product performance: A mixed methods study, Journal of Product Innovation Management, 34(3), 360-383.
- Goel, Rajeev, Devrim Göktepe and Christoph Grimpe (2017), Who Instigates University-Industry Collaborations? University Scientists versus Firm Employees, Small Business Economics, 48(3), 503-524.
- Olsen, Anders Ørding, Wolfgang Sofka and Christoph Grimpe (2016), Coordinated Exploration for Grand Challenges: The Role of Advocacy Groups in Search Consortia, Academy of Management Journal, 59, 2232-2255.
- Mendonça, Joana and Christoph Grimpe (2016), Skills and Regional Entrepreneurship Capital Formation: A Comparison Between Germany and Portugal, Journal of Technology Transfer, 41, 1440-1456.
- Grimpe, Christoph and Wolfgang Sofka (2016), Complementarities in the Search for Innovation: Managing Markets and Relationships, Research Policy, 45, 2036-2053.
- Cleff, Thomas, Christoph Grimpe and Christian Rammer (2015), Identifying Lead Markets in the European Automotive Industry: An Indicator-based Approach, Industry and Innovation, 22, 496-522.
- Waldner, Florian, Marion K. Poetz, Christoph Grimpe and Markus Eurich (2015), Antecedents and Consequences of Business Model Innovation: The Role of Industry Structure, Advances in Strategic Management, 33, 347-386.
- Czarnitzki, Dirk, Christoph Grimpe and Maikel Pellens (2015), Access to Research Inputs: Open Science versus the Entrepreneurial University, Journal of Technology Transfer, 40, 1050-1063.
- Czarnitzki, Dirk, Christoph Grimpe and Andrew Toole (2015), Delay and Secrecy: Does Industry Sponsorship Jeopardize Disclosure of Academic Research?, Industrial and Corporate Change, 24, 251-279.
- Ketata, Ihsen, Sofka, Wolfgang and Christoph Grimpe (2015), The Role of Internal Capabilities and Firms’ Environment for Sustainable Innovation: Evidence for Germany, R&D Management, 45, 60-75.
- Grimpe, Christoph and Katrin Hussinger (2014), Resource Complementarity and Value Capture in Firm Acquisitions: The Role of Intellectual Property Rights, Strategic Management Journal, 35, 1762-1780.
- Grimpe, Christoph and Katrin Hussinger (2014), Pre-empted Patents, Infringed Patents, and Firm’s Participation in Markets for Technology, Research Policy, 43, 543-554.
- Aschhoff, Birgit and Christoph Grimpe (2014), Contemporaneous Peer Effects, Career Age and the Industry Involvement of Academics in Biotechnology, Research Policy, 43, 367-381.
- Grimpe, Christoph and Katrin Hussinger (2013), Formal and Informal Technology Transfer from Academia to Industry: Complementarity Effects and Innovation Performance, Industry and Innovation, 208, 683-700.
- Goel, Rajeev K. and Christoph Grimpe (2013), Active versus Passive Academic Networking: Evidence from Micro-Level Data, Journal of Technology Transfer, 38, 116-134.
- Grimpe, Christoph (2012), Extramural Research Grants and Scientists’ Funding Strategies: Beggars Can’t Be Choosers? Research Policy, 41, 1448-1460.
- Köhler, Christian, Wolfgang Sofka and Christoph Grimpe (2012), Selective Search, Sectoral Patterns, and the Impact on Product Innovation Performance, Research Policy, 41, 1344-1356.
- Goel, Rajeev K. and Christoph Grimpe (2012), Academic Entrepreneurship: Are All Scientists Created Alike? Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 21, 247-266.
- Edler, Jakob, Heide Fier and Christoph Grimpe (2011), International Scientist Mobility and the Locus of Knowledge and Technology Transfer, Research Policy, 40, 791-805.
- Grimpe, Christoph and Roberto Patuelli (2011), Knowledge Production in Nanomaterials: A Spatial Filtering Approach, Annals of Regional Science, 46, 519-541.
- Grimpe, Christoph and Ulrich Kaiser (2010), Balancing Internal and External Knowledge Acquisition: The Gains and Pains of R&D Outsourcing, Journal of Management Studies, 47, 1483-1509.
- Patuelli, Roberto, Andrea Vaona and Christoph Grimpe (2010), The German East-West Divide in Knowledge Production: An Application to Nanomaterial Patenting, Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie (Journal of Economic & Social Geography), 101, 568-582.
- Sofka, Wolfgang and Christoph Grimpe (2010), Specialized Search and Innovation Performance – Evidence Across Europe, R&D Management, 40, 310-323.
- Grimpe, Christoph and Heide Fier (2010), Informal Technology Transfer from Academia to Industry: A Comparison between Germany and the U.S, Journal of Technology Transfer, 35, 637-650.
- Grimpe, Christoph and Wolfgang Sofka (2009), Search Patterns and Absorptive Capacity: Low- and High-Technology Sectors in European Countries, Research Policy, 38, 495-506.
- Grimpe, Christoph (2007), Successful Product Development after Firm Acquisitions: The Role of Research and Development, Journal of Product Innovation Management, 24, 614-628.
I pressen
I: Proceedings of the Eighty-fourth Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. red. /Sonia Taneja. Valhalla, NY : Academy of Management 2024, 1 s. (Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings)
I: The Oxford Handbook of Open Innovation. red. /Henry Chesbrough; Agnieszka Radziwon; Wim Vanhaverbeke; Joel West. Oxford : Oxford University Press 2024, s. 455–472 (Oxford Handbooks)
I: Strategy Science, 27.9.2024
Bonn : IZA 2023, 41 s. (IZA Discussion Paper, Nr. 16580)
I: Journal of International Business Studies, Vol. 54, Nr. 4, 6.2023, s. 657-685
I: Proceedings of the Eighty-third Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. red. /Sonja Taneja. Briarcliff Manor, NY : Academy of Management 2023, 1 s. (Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings)
Paper presented at DRUID23 Conference, 2023
I: Industrial Marketing Management, Vol. 112, 7.2023, s. 145-159
Paper presented at DRUID23 Conference, 2023
Berlin : Expertenkommission Forschung und Innovation (EFI) 2023, 153 s. (Studien zum deutschen Innovationssystem, Nr. 8-2023)
Paper presented at DRUID23 Conference, 2023
I: Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade, Vol. 23, Nr. 3/4, 12.2023, s. 187-241
I: Long Range Planning, Vol. 56, Nr. 3, 6.2023
Berlin : Expertenkommission Forschung und Innovation (EFI) 2023, 166 s. (Studien zum deutschen Innovationssystem, Nr. 9-2023)
I: Journal of International Business Policy, Vol. 5, Nr. 3, 9.2022, s. 296-327
I: Harvard Business Manager, Nr. 7, 7.2022, s. 10-11
I: Proceedings of the Eighty-second Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. red. /Sonja Taneja. Briarcliff Manor, NY : Academy of Management 2022, 6 s. (Academy of Management Proceedings)
I: Industry and Innovation, Vol. 29, Nr. 2, 2022, 5 s., s. 131-135
Washington, D.C. : International Monetary Fund 2022, 41 s. (IMF Working Paper, Vol. 192)
Paper presented at DRUID22 Conference, 2022
I: Proceedings of the Eighty-second Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management . red. /Sonja Taneja. Briarcliff Manor, NY : Academy of Management 2022, 1 s., s. 1132 (Academy of Management Proceedings)
I: Small Business Economics, Vol. 59, Nr. 4, 12.2022, s. 1567-1592
I: Industry and Innovation, Vol. 29, Nr. 2, 2.2022, s. 136-185
Paper presented at DRUID22 Conference, 2022
I: Proceedings of the Eighty-second Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. red. /Sonja Taneja. Briarcliff Manor, NY : Academy of Management 2022, 1 s., s. 1939 (Academy of Management Proceedings)
Paper presented at DRUID22 Conference, 2022
I: Journal of International Business Studies, Vol. 53, Nr. 6, 8.2022, s. 1110-1132
I: Harvard Business Review Digital Articles, 18.4.2022
Paper presented at DRUID21 Conference, 2021
I: CERN IdeaSquare Journal of Experimental Innovation, Vol. 5, Nr. 2, 2021, s. 28-49
I: Proceedings of the Eighty-first Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. red. /Sonia Taneja. Briarcliff Manor, NY : Academy of Management 2021, 1 s. (Academy of Management Proceedings)
I: Proceedings of the Eighty-First Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. red. /Sonia Taneja. Briarcliff Manor, NY : Academy of Management 2021, 6 s. (Academy of Management Proceedings)
I: Research Handbook of Innovation for a Circular Economy. red. /Siri Jakobsen; Thomas Lauvås; Francesco Quatraro; Einar Rasmussen; Marianne Steinmo. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing 2021, s. 307–315 (Research Handbooks in Business and Management)
I: Proceedings of the Eighty-First Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. red. /Sonia Taneja. Briarcliff Manor, NY : Academy of Management 2021, 1 s. (Academy of Management Proceedings)
Paper presented at DRUID21 Conference, 2021
I: Proceedings of the Eightieth Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. red. /Guclu Atinc. Briarcliff Manor, NY : Academy of Management 2020, 6 s. (Academy of Management Proceedings)
Leuven : Katholieke Universiteit Leuven 2020, 41 s. (Working Papers of Department of Management, Strategy and Innovation (MSI), Nr. MSI_2004)
I: Industrial and Corporate Change, Vol. 29, Nr. 6, 12.2020, s. 1431-1450
I: Nature Biotechnology, Vol. 37, Nr. 12, 12.2019, s. 1413–1419
Paper presented at DRUID19 Conference, 2019
Mannheim : Leibnitz Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) 2019, 41 s. (ZEW Discussion Papers, Nr. 19-043)
Abstract from Open Innovation in Science (OIS) Research Workshop 2019, 2019, s. 4
I: Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, Vol. 13, Nr. 3, 9.2019, s. 359-378
I: Strategic Management Journal, Vol. 40, Nr. 4, 4.2019, s. 685-710
Paper presented at DRUID18 Conference, 2018
Bonn : IZA 2018, 43 s. (IZA Discussion Paper, Nr. 11649)
Paper presented at DRUID18 Conference, 2018
Mannheim : Leibnitz Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) 2018, 42 s. (ZEW Discussion Papers, Nr. 17-074)
I: Industry and Innovation, Vol. 24, Nr. 1, 2017, 7 s., s. 1-7
I: Journal of Product Innovation Management, Vol. 34, Nr. 3, 5.2017, s. 360-383
I: Long Range Planning, Vol. 50, Nr. 6, 12.2017, s. 726-740
Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union 2017, 43 s.
I: Small Business Economics, Vol. 48, Nr. 3, 3.2017, s. 503-524
Paper presented at The DRUID 20th Anniversary Conference 2016, 2016
I: Research Policy, Vol. 45, Nr. 10, 12.2016, s. 2036-2053
I: Academy of Management Journal, Vol. 59, Nr. 6, 12.2016, s. 2232-2255
Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union 2016, 80 s. (JCR Science for Policy Report, Nr. JRC101183)
I: Journal of Technology Transfer, Vol. 41, Nr. 6, 12.2016, s. 1440–1456
I: Journal of Technology Transfer, Vol. 40, Nr. 6, 2015, s. 1050-1063
Paper presented at The Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2015, 2015
I: Business Models and Modelling. red. /Charles Baden-Fuller; Vincent Mangematin. Vol. 33, Bingley : Emerald Group Publishing 2015, s. 347-386 (Advances in Strategic Management, Vol. 33)
I: Industrial and Corporate Change, Vol. 24, Nr. 1, 2015, s. 251-279
I: Industry and Innovation, Vol. 22, Nr. 6, 2015, s. 496-522
Paper presented at The DRUID Society Conference 2015, 2015
Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union 2015, 40 s. (JCR Science for Policy Report, Nr. JRC96571)
I: Proceedings of the 57th Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business: Global Networks: Organizations and People. . red. /Ram Mudambi; Tunga Kiyak. East Lansing, MI : Academy of International Business 2015, 1 s., s. 183 (Academy of International Business. Annual Meeting. Proceedings, Vol. 57)
Paper presented at AIB 2015 Annual Meeting, 2015
I: R & D Management, Vol. 45, Nr. 1, 2015, s. 60-75
Mannheim : Leibnitz Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) 2014, 20 s. (ZEW Discussion Papers, Nr. 14-018)
I: Research Policy, Vol. 43, Nr. 2, 3.2014, s. 367-381
Paper presented at The Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2014, 2014
Paper presented at The Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2014, 2014
I: Proceedings of the 56th Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business: Local Contexts in Global Business. . red. /Klaus Meyer; Tunga Kiyak. East Lansing, MI : Academy of International Business 2014, s. 12 (Academy of International Business. Annual Meeting. Proceedings, Vol. 56)
Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union 2014, 44 s. (JCR Science for Policy Report)
Paper presented at The Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2014, 2014
Paper presented at The DRUID Society Conference 2014, 2014
I: Research Policy, Vol. 43, Nr. 1, 4.2014, s. 543–554
I: Strategic Management Journal, Vol. 35, Nr. 12, 2014, s. 1762–1780
I: Journal of Technology Transfer, Vol. 38, Nr. 2, 2013, s. 116-134
Frankfurt (Oder) : European University Viadrina 2013, 12 s. (Discussion Paper / European University Viadrina, Department of Business Administration and Economics , Nr. 334)
I: Industry and Innovation, Vol. 20, Nr. 8, 11.2013, s. 683-700
I: Proceedings of the 55th Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business. red. /Patricia McDougall-Covin; Tunga Kiyak. East Lansing, MI : Academy of International Business 2013, s. 168-169 (Academy of International Business. Annual Meeting. Proceedings, Vol. 55)
Paper presented at The 35th DRUID Celebration Conference 2013: Innovation, Strategy and Entrepreneurship, 2013
I: Economics of Innovation and New Technology, Vol. 21, Nr. 3, 2012, s. 247-266
I: Proceedings of the 54rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business. red. /Susan Feinberg; Tunga Kiyak. East Lansing, MI : Academy of International Business 2012, s. 141 (Academy of International Business. Annual Meeting. Proceedings, Vol. 54)
I: Research Policy, Vol. 41, Nr. 8, 2012, s. 1448–1460
I: Proceedings of the 54rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business. red. /Susan Feinberg; Tunga Kiyak. East Lansing, MI : Academy of International Business 2012, s. 39 (Academy of International Business. Annual Meeting. Proceedings, Vol. 54)
Mannheim : Leibnitz Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) 2012, 33 s. (ZEW Discussion Papers, Nr. 12-011)
I: Research Policy, Vol. 41, Nr. 8, 2012, s. 1344–1356
Paper presented at The DRUID Society Conference 2011, 2011
I: Research Policy, Vol. 40, Nr. 6, 2011, s. 791-805
I: Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings. red. /Leslie Toombs . Birmingham, AL : Academy of Management 2011 (Academy of Management Proceedings, Vol. 2011)
I: Interdisciplinary Management Research . red. /Urban Bacher; Dražen Barković; Karl-Heinz Dernoscheg; Maja Lamza; Branko Matić; Bodo Runzheimer. Vol. 7, Osijek : Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek 2011, s. 807-830
I: Annals of Regional Science, Vol. 46, Nr. 3, 2011, s. 519-541
I: Journal of Management Studies, Vol. 47, Nr. 8, 2010, s. 1483-1509
I: Journal of Technology Transfer, Vol. 35, Nr. 6, 2010, s. 637-650
I: R & D Management, Vol. 40, Nr. 3, 2010, s. 310-323
I: Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, Vol. 101, Nr. 5, 2010, s. 568-582
Frederiksberg : Centre for Economic and Business Research, Copenhagen Business School 2008, 35 s. (CEBR Discussion Paper, Nr. 2008-02)
London, ON : Ivey Publishing 2024, 10 s. (Ivey Cases, Nr. W34980)
Cranfield : Case Centre 2024, 8 s.
Frederiksberg : The Nordic Case House 2023, 10 s.
Frederiksberg : The Nordic Case House 2023, 11 s.
Frederiksberg : The Nordic Case House 2023, 11 s.
Frederiksberg : The Nordic Case House 2023, 13 s.
London, ON : Ivey Publishing 2022
I: Politiken, 4.9.2022, s. 4
I: Politiken, 24.9.2021, s. 7
I: Politiken, 6.12.2020, s. 4
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Year | Name of contractual partner | Type of activity |
2024 | CBS Executive Fonden | Executive Education |
2021 - 2025 | PatentPlus, Berlin, Germany | Member of the advisory board |
2021 - 2025 | "Denmark's Best Managed Companies", Sponsored by Deloitte, Copenhagen | Jury member |
2010 - 2025 | University of Zurich, Switzerland | External lecturer and executive education |
2025 | Independent Research Fund Denmark | Council member |
2010 – 2025 | ZEW - Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research, Mannheim, Germany | Research associate |