Institut for Strategi og Innovation
Henrik Sornn-Friese is Associate Professor in strategy and innovation at the Copenhagen Business School (CBS) and MPA Professor in Maritime Business at the Lee Kong Chian School of Business, Singapore Management University. He received his PhD in Industrial Dynamics from Copenhagen Business School in 2001.
His research interests cover industrial dynamics, business history and organizational evolution, regional innovation systems and economic globalization from the perspectives of 1) International Business, 2) Economic geography and 3) Organizational economics. His empirical focus is mainly on international shipping, ports and maritime industry (shipyards and original equipment manufacturers) as well as the dynamics of localized maritime clusters. His current research focuses on circular economy over the entire lifecycle of ships, the transition to alternative (green) fuels for shipping, and broader sustainability issues for shipping and ports.
- The economic geography of international shipping and trade
- The configuration of value-creating activities in the maritime sector
- Organizational evolution in firms and markets
- Networks and inter-firm linkages in the evolution of industries
- Developments and dynamics in the international shipping industry and the broader maritime sector
Since December 2006, Henrik Sornn-Friese has been the Academic Director of the M.Sc. Program in Economics and Business Administration (EBA/Cand.merc) and Chairman of this program's Study Board. With more than 3,500 students enrolled in eleven English-language and three Danish-language concentrations, EBA/Cand.merc is the largest full-time program at CBS.
He was a co-founder of CBS Maritime - a cross-departmental research center at CBS conducting research and teaching on the maritime sector and in close collaboration with industry. He has been the Director of CBS Maritime since its foundation in March 2013. He was one of the initiators and currently serves as co-director of the Green Shipping Project, an international research project located with the Center for Transportation Research at Sauder School of Business, University of British Columbia in Vancouver. He is co-founder of Maritime Research Alliance (MRA) and member of its Steering Committee.
- "Sustainable Shipping and Ports" (elective course at the B.Sc. program in International Shipping and Trade)
- ”The Business & Technology Challenge – Enabling Transformation in Shipping, Trade and Logistics” (elective course at the EBA/Cand.merc program)
- Mainly M.Sc. degree theses and PhD degree theses
- Henrik Sornn-Friese, René Taudal Poulsen, Agnieszka Urszula Nowinska and Peter de Langen (2021). What drives ports around the world to adopt air emissions abatement measures. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 90: 102644.
- Henrik Sornn-Friese (2020). Med lejede skibe og lånte laster: Historien om H. Bang & Co. og de danske timecharteroperatører. I Jeppe Nevers and Anders Ravn Sørensen (red.), Søfartshistorier: Danmarkshistorien til søs. København: Gad 2020, p. 226-247.
- Peter W. de Langen, Henrik Sornn-Friese and James Hallworth (2020). The Role of Port Development Companies in Transitioning the Port Business Ecosystem: The Case of Port of Amsterdam's Circular Activities. Sustainability, 12(11): 4397.
- Ziaul Hague Munim, Henrik Sornn-Friese, and Mariia Duschenko (2020). Identifying the appropriate governance model for green port management: Applying Analytic Network Process and Best-Worst methods to ports in the Indian Ocean Rim. Journal of Cleaner Production , 268 (September): 122156
- Peter de Langen and Henrik Sornn-Friese (2019). Ports and the Circular Economy. In Rickard Bergqvist and Jason Monios (Eds.), Green Ports: Inland and Seaside Sustainable Transportation Strategies. Amsterdam : Elsevier 2019, p. 85-108.
- Henrik Sornn-Friese (2019). Containerization in Globalization': A Case Study of How Maersk Line Became a Transnational Company. In Niels P. Petersson, Stig Tenold and Nicholas White (Eds.), Shipping and Globalization in the Post-War Era: Contexts, Companies, Connections. London: Palgrave Macmillan, p. 103-131 (Palgrave Studies in Maritime Economics).
- René Taudal Poulsen, Stefano Ponte, and Henrik Sornn-Friese (2018). Environmental Upgrading in Global Value Chains: The Potential and Limitations of Ports in the Greening of Maritime Transport. Geoforum, 89(2): 83-95.
- Torben Pedersen and Henrik Sornn-Friese (2015). A Business Model Innovation by an Incumbent Late Mover: Containerization in Maersk Line. In Nicolai Foss and Tina Saebi (Eds.), Business Model Innovation: The Organizational Dimension. Oxford: Oxford University Press, p. 217-240.
- René Taudal Poulsen and Henrik Sornn-Friese (2015). Achieving Energy Efficient Ship Operations Under Third Party Management: How Do Ship Management Models Influence Energy Efficiency?. Research in Transportation Business & Management, 17: 41-52.
- Martin Jes Iversen, René Taudal Poulsen, Henrik Sornn-Friese and Stig Tenold (2015). The Role of National Shipping Policy: A Scandinavian Perspective on Shipping Policies in a Global Economy. Ocean Yearbook, 29: 327-342.
- Henrik Sornn-Friese and Martin Jes Iversen (2014). The Establishment of the Danish International Ship Register (DIS) and its Connections to the Maritime Cluster. International Journal of Maritime History, 26(1): 2014, p. 82-103.
- Henrik Sornn-Friese; René Taudal Poulsen; Martin Iversen (2012). 'Knowing the Ropes': Capability Reconfiguration and Restructuring of the Danish Shipping Industry. In Stig Tenold, Martin Jes Iversen and Even Lange (Eds.), Global Shipping in Small Nations: Nordic Experiences after 1960. London and New York: Palgrave Macmillan, p. 61-99
- Henrik Sornn-Friese and Carsten Ørts Hansen (2012). Landlubbers and Seadogs: The Case of Labour Mobility in the Danish Maritime Sector in a Time of Accelerating Globalisation. Copenhagen: Copenhagen Business School Press & Nyt fra Samfundsvidenskaberne.
- René Taudal Poulsen and Henrik Sornn-Friese (2011). Downfall Delayed. Danish Shipbuilding and Industrial Dislocation. Business History, 53(4): 557-582.
- Henrik Sornn-Friese and Martin Jes Iversen (2011). Incentives, Capability and Opportunity. Exploring the Sources of Danish Maritime Leadership. International Journal of Maritime History, 23(1): 193-220.
- Henrik Sornn-Friese (2005). Interfirm Linkages and the Structure and Evolution of the Danish Trucking Industry. Transportation Journal, 44(4): 10-26.
- Esben Sloth Andersen, Bengt-Åke Lundvall and Henrik Sornn-Friese (2002). Editorial. Research Policy, 31(2): 185-190.
- Henrik Sornn-Friese (2000). Frontiers of research in industrial dynamics and national systems of innovation. Industry and Innovation, 7(1): 1-13
I: Ports as Energy Transition Hubs: An Exploratory Study. . red. /Henrik Sornn-Friese. Frederiksberg : CBS Maritime 2024, s. 55-69
I: Ports as Energy Transition Hubs: An Exploratory Study. . red. /Henrik Sornn-Friese. Frederiksberg : CBS Maritime 2024, s. 6-14
Frederiksberg : CBS Maritime 2024, 103 s.
I: Maritime Decarbonization: Practical Tools, Case Studies and Decarbonization Enablers. . red. /Mikael Lind; Wolfgang Lehmacher; Robert Ward. Cham : Springer 2023, s. 231-250
I: Maritime Transport Research, Vol. 4, 6.2023
Abstract from The Annual Conference of the International Association of Maritime Economists. IAME 2022, 2022
København : CBS Maritime 2021, 60 s.
London : Sustainable Shipping Initiative 2021, 30 s.
København : CBS Maritime 2021, 40 s.
I: Transportation Research. Part D: Transport & Environment, Vol. 90, 1.2021
I: Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 268, 9.2020
I: Geographies of Maritime Transport: Transport, Mobilities and Spatial Change. . red. /Gordon Wilmsmeier; Jason Monios. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing 2020, s. 210-231
I: Søfartshistorier: Danmarkshistorien til søs. . red. /Jeppe Nevers; Anders Ravn Sørensen. København : Gad 2020, s. 226-247
I: Sustainability, Vol. 12, Nr. 11, 6.2020
I: Shipping and Globalization in the Post-War Era: Contexts, Companies, Connections. . red. /Niels P. Petersson; Stig Tenold; Nicholas White. Cham : Palgrave Macmillan 2019, s. 103-131 (Palgrave Studies in Maritime Economics)
Abstract from The Annual Conference of the International Association of Maritime Economists. IAME 2019, 2019
Abstract from The Annual Conference of the International Association of Maritime Economists. IAME 2019, 2019
I: Green Ports: Inland and Seaside Sustainable Transportation Strategies. . red. /Rickard Bergqvist; Jason Monios. Amsterdam : Elsevier 2019, s. 85-108
Paper presented at The Annual Conference of the International Association of Maritime Economists. IAME 2019, 2019
I: Geoforum, Vol. 89, 2.2018, s. 83-95
Abstract from The Annual Conference of the International Association of Maritime Economists. IAME 2018, 2018
Paper presented at The Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2017, 2017
Paper presented at European Business Association 21th Annual Congress. EBHA 2017, 2017
I: Økonomi & Politik, Vol. 90, Nr. 2, 6.2017, s. 46-58
I: Business Model Innovation: The organizational Dimension. . red. /Nicolai Foss; Tina Saebi. Oxford : Oxford University Press 2015, s. 217-240
I: Research in Transportation Business & Management, Vol. 17, 12.2015, s. 41-52
Paper presented at SUBA-ALRT 2015 International Conference on Global Integration of Economies and Connectivity Development, 2015
Paper presented at The Annual Conference of the International Association of Maritime Economists. IAME 2015, 2015
Paper presented at The Annual Conference of the International Association of Maritime Economists. IAME 2015, 2015
I: Ocean Yearbook 29. red. /Aldo Chircop; Scott Coffen-Smout; Moira L. McConnell. Vol. 29, Leiden : Brill 2015, s. 327–342 (Ocean Yearbook, Vol. 29)
I: International Journal of Maritime History, Vol. 26, Nr. 1, 2014, s. 82-103
København : Danmarks Maritime Klynge 2013, 124 s.
Paper presented at Global Challenges in PPP , 2013
I: Global Shipping in Small Nations: Nordic Experiences after 1960. . red. /Stig Tenold; Martin Jes Iversen; Even Lange. New York : Palgrave Macmillan 2012, s. 61-99
Paper presented at The 16th Annual European Business History Association (EBHA) Conference/ 1st Joint Conference with BHSJ (Business History Society of Japan), 2012
København : Copenhagen Business School Press 2012, 292 s. (Nyt fra Samfundsvidenskaberne)
I: Erhvervshistorisk Aarbog, Vol. 61, Nr. 2, 2012, s. 31-46
Frederiksberg : Center for Shipping Economics and Innovation, CBS 2012, 35 s.
I: Business History, Vol. 53, Nr. 4, 2011, s. 557-582
I: International Journal of Maritime History, Vol. 23, Nr. 1, 2011, s. 193-220
Paper presented at The 12th Annual European Business History Association (EBHA) Conference, 2008
I: Samfundsøkonomen, Nr. 3, 2008, s. 4-8
: DRUID - Danish Research Unit for Industrial Dynamics 2007, 29 s.
I: Transportation Journal, Vol. 44, Nr. 4, 2005, s. 10-26
I: Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, Vol. 17, Nr. 4, 2005, s. 267-291
I: Asian Journal of Technology Innovation, Vol. 13, Nr. 2, 2005, s. 1-22
Paper presented at The DRUID Tenth Anniversary Summer Conference 2005 on Dynamics of Industry and Innovation, 2005
Copenhagen : LOK Research Center. CBS 2003, 27 s. (LOK Working Paper, Nr. 2/2003)
København : Søfartsstyrelsen 2003, 147 s.
I: Research Policy, Vol. 31, Nr. 2, 2002, 6 s., s. 185-190
Paper presented at Integrating Regional and Global Initiatives in the Learning Society, Program & Abstracts for the 6th International Conference on Technology Policy and Innovation, 2002
I: Research Conference December 2-3, 2002. Vol. 2: Koldingfjord Hotel, Kolding, Denmark : LOK proceedings 2002. København : LOK Research Center. CBS 2002
I: Research conference december 3-4, 2001. Vol. 22001, s. 356-375
København : Samfundslitteratur 2001, 340 s. (Ph.D.serie, Nr. 2001-23)
I: Industry and Innovation, Vol. 7, Nr. 1, 2000, s. 13
Copenhagen : Institut for Industriøkonomi og Virksomhedsstrategi, Handelshøjskolen i København 1998, 19 s. (Working Paper / Department of Industrial Economics and Strategy. Copenhagen Business School, Nr. 1998-11)
Copenhagen : Institut for Industriøkonomi og Virksomhedsstrategi, Handelshøjskolen i København 1998, 22 s. (Working Paper / Department of Industrial Economics and Strategy. Copenhagen Business School, Nr. 1998-13)
København : Altinget.dk 2.5.2024
København : Altinget.dk 17.6.2024
København : Altinget.dk 2.4.2024
I: Søfart, Nr. 2, 11.1.2021, s. 3
I: Søfart, Nr. 15, 2018, s. 16
København : Danske Havne 28.3.2018
I: Pan European Networks: Government, Nr. 16, 11.2015, s. 200-201
I: Søfartens Ledere, Nr. 3, 2015, s. 40-42
I: Søfartens Ledere, Nr. 5, 2014, s. 44-45
I: Søfart, Nr. 4, 25.1.2013, s. 7
København : Danmarks Maritime Klynge 2013, 40 s.
I: Søfart, Nr. 21, 24.5.2013, s. 10
I: Søfart, Nr. 1-2, 11.1.2013, s. 10
I: Fyns Amts Avis, 8.5.2012, s. 3
I: Mercator: Maritime Innovation, Research and Education, Vol. December 2010, 12.2010, s. 272-279
Poster session presented at Maritim Sikkerhed, Sundhed og Miljø. MSSM 2010, 2010, 20 s.
I: Mercator: Maritime Innovation, Research and Education, Nr. December, 12.2010, s. 258-265
I: SIMAC News, Nr. 22, 13.9.2010, s. 4-7
I: Mercator Media Forum, 2009, s. 143-147
I: Boersen, 12.5.2009, s. 2
Frederiksberg : Samfundslitteratur 2007, 238 s.
I: Mercator: Maritime Innovation, Research and Education, 2007, s. 68-73
I: Morgenavisen Jyllands-Posten, 2006
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