
Department of Digitalization


Kontor: HOW/60-3.01e
+45 2479 4309
E-mail: jd.digi@cbs.dk
Jan Damsgaard

Jan Damsgaard (JD) is Professor at the Department of Digitalization at CBS. The Danish Academy of Technical Sciences has appointed JD to national Digital Advisor (Digital Vismand). JD holds a Ph.D. in Information Systems and a Master's degree in Computer Science. His research focuses on the digital transformation of businesses and the economy. JD has worked and done research at several institutions in the USA, China, Finland and Australia. JD also consults on digital innovation and business transformation.

Primære forskningsområder
  • Digital transformation
  • E-commerce
  • FinTech
  • Blockchain and Internet of Things
Curriculum Vitae
Sociale medier
Link til denne hjemmeside

CBS Executive MBA and CBS executive board education

  • Supervision of master theses with a focus on digitalization, e-commerce, blockchain and Internet of Things
Udvalgte publikationer
Publikationer sorteret efter:
Birgitte Vedersø; Hanne Leth Andersen; Mette Andreasen; Mikkel Aslak; Inger Bo Augustinus; Jan Damsgaard; Tine Wirenfeldt Jensen; Per Størup Lauridsen; Bent Meier Sørensen / Ekspertgruppen om ChatGPT og andre digitale hjælpemidler : Anbefalinger.
København : Undervisningsministeriet 2024, 7 s.
Jan Damsgaard / AI : Mellem fornuft og følelse.
København : Djøf Forlag 2023, 149 s.
Jan Damsgaard / Den reelle værdi af kryptovaluta
I: Finans/Invest, Nr. 1, 2.2022, s. 5-10
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Jan Damsgaard / The Real Value of Cryptocurrency
Rochester : SSRN: Social Science Research Network 2022, 11 s.
Working paper > peer review
Jan Damsgaard / Blockchain business : Ægte, sporbart og uerstatteligt.
København : Djøf Forlag 2021, 161 s.
Somnath Mazumdar; Thomas Jensen; Raghava Rao Mukkamala; Robert J. Kauffman; Jan Damsgaard / Do Blockchain and IoT Architecture Create Informedness to Support Provenance Tracking in the Product Lifecycle?
I: Proceedings of the 54th Hawaii International Conference on System SciencesHonolulu : Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) 2021, s. 1497-1506 (Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences)
Konferencebidrag i proceedings > peer review
Kalina Staykova; Jan Damsgaard / How Digital Platforms Compete Against Diverse Rivals
I: MIS Quarterly Executive, Vol. 20, Nr. 4, 12.2021, s. 275-295
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Kalina Stefanova Staykova; Jan Damsgaard / A 2020 Perspective on “The Race to Dominate the Mobile Payments Platform : Entry and Expansion Strategies”.
I: Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, Vol. 41, Nr. May-June, 2020
Kommentar/debat > peer review
Rony Medaglia; Jan Damsgaard / Blockchain and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals : Towards an Agenda for IS Research.
I: PACIS 2020 Proceedings. red. /Doug Vogel; Kathy Ning Shen; Pan Shan Ling. Atlanta, GA : Association for Information Systems. AIS Electronic Library (AISeL) 2020
Konferencebidrag i proceedings > peer review
Jonas Hedman; Mads Bødker; Gregory Gimpel; Jan Damsgaard / Translating Evolving Technology Use into User Stories : Technology Life Narratives of Consumer Technology Use.
I: Information Systems Journal, Vol. 29, Nr. 6, 11.2019, s. 1178-1200
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
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  • Member of the board: RelyOn Nutec A/S www.relyonnutec.com
  • Member of the board: PayProff A/S
  • Public speaches and lectures: CBS Executive, CBS bestyrelsesuddannelse, DI2X, DTU Compute, Børsens bestyrelsesuddannelse, Folkeuniversitetet, Neteconomy (my own company)
  • CBS' AI Advisory Board meeting 
  • Ministerudpeget medlem af Rådet for SMV:Digital 
  • Ministerudpeget medlem af rådet for AI I grunduddannelse, ungdoms- og voksenuddannelse 
  • ATV's Digitale Vismandsråd 
  • 2022:
  • Member of the board: RelyOn Nutec A/S www.relyonnutec.com
  • Member of the board: PayProff A/S
  • Public speaches and lectures: CBS Executive, CBS bestyrelsesuddannelse, Digitaliseringsinstituttet, DTU Compute, Børsens bestyrelsesuddannelse, Neteconomy (own company)


  • Member of the board: RelyOn Nutec A/S www.relyonnutec.com
  • Member of the board: IoT DK A/S www.iotdk.dk
  • Public speaches and lectures: CBS Executive, CBS bestyrelsesuddannelse, Digitaliseringsinstituttet, DTU Compute, Børsens bestyrelsesuddannelse, Neteconomy (own company)


  • Member of the board: Auction Group A/S www.autoproff.dk
  • Member of the board: RelyOn Nutec A/S www.relyonnutec.com
  • Member of the board: IoT DK A/S www.iotdk.dk
  • Public speaches and lectures: CBS Executive, CBS bestyrelsesuddannelse, F5, Digitaliseringsinstituttet, High Performance Institute, Neteconomy (own company)