Dilettanter og diamanter

Ny bog af professor Kim Viborg Andersen fokuserer på den offentlige sektors brug af it


"E-government and Public Sector Process Rebuilding - Dilettantes, Wheel Barrows, and Diamonds" - a new book by Professor Kim Viborg Andersen provides an input to rebuild and improve the processes in which the public sector perform activities and interact with the citizens, companies, and the formal elected decision-makers.

Information systems as the vehicle

The book emphasizes information systems (IS) as the vehicle for redirecting the public sector towards its key customers. The book also stresses serious capability challenges inhibiting the digital transformation using activity and customer centric applications.

Read more about the book and Professor Kim Viborg Andersen in the CBS research bulletin


Sidst opdateret: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 20/07/2004