Prize to CBS researcher

Markus Reitzig, Associate Professor at the Department of Industrial Economics and Strategy, has been selected as this year’s Tietgen Prize recipient


Markus Reitzig, Associate Professor at the Department of Industrial Economics and Strategy, has been selected as this year’s Tietgen Prize recipient by FUHU (Danish Society for the Advancement of Business Education).

The prize, endowed with 100 thousand Danish Crowns, was awarded at the DEA’s (Danmarks Erhvervsforsknings Akademi) annual meeting on 31 March 2005 in Copenhagen. The Tietgen Prize is bestowed annually to up to three researchers in Denmark who have made outstanding contributions in their field at an international level within the first four years after receiving their Ph.D.Prize.

Markus Reitzig studied chemistry (Diplom-Chemiker), law and business economics (Master of Business Research, Doctor oeconomiae publicae) in Germany (Universities of Konstanz/Kiel/Munich), Italy (LUISS Roma), and the United States (UC San Diego/UC Berkeley). Since September 2002 he has been employed with the CopenhagenBusinessSchool and in April 2004 was appointed as an associate professor. During winter 2005, he worked with the Australian Graduate School of Management in Sydney as a visiting professor.

Markus Reitzig’s research has been centered around the economics and management of intellectual property rights, however he has sought to contribute broadly to different streams of literature including legal, economic, innovation management, corporate strategy, corporate organization, and accounting literature.

Methodologically speaking Reitzig combines (formal) theory as well as both qualitative and quantitative empirical techniques; maintaining close communication with policy makers and businesses through applied research and consulting ensures that scientific phenomena of practical relevance are chosen as objects of his studies.

Articles by Reitzig have been published in journals such as

International Journal of Industrial Organization,

Sloan Management Review,

Research Policy, and

Economics of Innovation and New Technology and have been presented at numerous conferences and university seminars worldwide.

Currently, he engages in a series of broader research efforts in the areas of innovation management and strategy, bringing technology and market considerations together. Irrespectively, intellectual property (IP) rights will remain a focal point of his research and teaching agenda.

As the coordinator of the junior faculty network for the

Research in




RIPE (funded by the Danish Social Science Council) Reitzig fosters and conducts IP-related research projects with various partners from European and US universities.

Sidst opdateret: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 12/04/2005