This is what the Danish creative class looks like

CBS publishes important report


‘The Geography of the Danish Creative Class: A Mapping and Analysis’ is the title of a report published by CBS today. The report concerns the Danish creative class and is part of an international research project where CBS together with Richard Florida (originator of the 2002 bestseller ‘The Rise of the Creative Class’) and a team of European colleagues right now are testing and comparing theses on the American creative class in European and Danish contexts.

The report provides an overview of the Danish creative class’ geographical placement, its size and composition and an analysis of the connection between geographical localization as well as regional-technological and economic development.

“The creative class definitely exists in Denmark, and even though it has much in common with the American creative class because it gathers in metropolitan areas with diversity and cultural offers, it is very different. It is namely attracted by welfare, i.e. public services and low unemployment, says Associate Professor and Project Manager Mark Lorenzen.

“The Danish creative class is, just as in the US, unevenly spread geographically. There are only two cities that really attract them: Copenhagen and Aarhus, while Odense and Vejle seem to be too small to attract a significant number. On the other hand, Svendborg, Sønderborg and Marstal, among others, attract a surprisingly large number of the creative class,” Mark Lorenzen ends.


It is CBS’ imagine.. CrativeIndustriesResearchCenter who runs the project. Cooperative partners are Momsfondet, the Agency for Housing and Enterprise, and universities in Lund, Oslo, Cardiff, Bonn, Toronto, Utrecht, and Tampere.

The report can be ordered by contacting Erik J. Vinther,

Sidst opdateret: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 14/10/2005