No Smoking!

From 1 July 2006, CBS will be a non smoking university


CBS is a non smoking university from 1 July 2006

From 1 July 2006 CBS will be a non smoking university. Smoking will not be allowed inside the CBS buildings at all including all offices, vestibules, halls, lecture halls, canteens and cafes.

“CBS wants to be a pioneer by creating one of the first non smoking universities in Denmark, where students and employees can walk around without the risk of being bothered by smoke. This is also the reason for not having any smoking areas at the school in the future. Besides getting rid of the smoke, CBS offers to help employees quit smoking through non smoking programmes,” says Director Gert Bechlund.  


CBS’ new smoking policy was decided at a meeting on 10 March 2006.

The background for the implementation of a non smoking environment is that CBS has carried out several steps in order to reduce the smoke inconveniences with no success in avoiding staff and students being affected by the smoke. 

The initiative falls perfectly in line with the latest proposal from the Government, where all public places, institutions and workplaces are going to be non smoking areas from 1 April 2007.


Sidst opdateret: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 31/03/2006