How is the Øresund regionalisation going?

Invitation to press conference


Invitation to press conference(The press conference will be held in Danish)

Tuesday August 22nd 10.30 – 12.00

Solbjerg Plads 3, room 3.12 (by the B-elevator, 3.floor)

A research project directed by CBS and financed by Öfork is coming to an end. The focus of this project has been the cross border activities and the integration process that is occurring in connection with the Øresund regionalisation – the project has focused on the connection between government, market place and society as a whole.


Centerleder Lise Lyck: 3082 2502/ 38153450/44656093

Pressechef Birgitte Oppermann: 2751 7034

Sidst opdateret: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 22/08/2006