CBS extends the campus using the former ‘Hamlet-building’

The 20,000 business students in Frederiksberg will have more space to study when the building that used to house the private hospital, Hamlet, will in 2014 become part of the campus.


Botox, new body parts and MRI scans are a thing of the past in Frederiksberg when, in the summer of 2014, CBS opens the doors of the building where the private hospital, Hamlet, used to be to up to 2000 students. This building is an important part of the solution to the space problems students and employees at CBS have begun to experience, says University Director, Peter Jonasson Pedersen.

- Our education is popular and politicians want more young people to complete further education. We have therefore, over the last 5 years, accepted 25% more students. With this building we can, in the coming years, offer students an excellent, modern study environment, close to the rest of the campus, and create more room for everyone, he says.

The leasing contract has been entered into with the help of the commercial estate agent, CBRE Group. Hamlet was one of the first Danish private hospitals, but in 2012 the company, Arteris-Hamlet, moved all its activities from Frederiksberg to the old “TV-city” in Søborg.

The building is a short walk from the rest of the campus, close to Lindevang metro station, and will eventually offer canteen and office facilities, medium and large classrooms and good possibilities for establishing space for group work, which is sorely missed today. The building is surrounded by a large outside area with space for parking bicycles and where students can spend time.

- We are happy with the agreement and believe that the building will be well received by the students and employees alike, says Peter Jonasson Pedersen.

An important piece of the puzzle falls into place with this leasing agreement, which forms part of CBS’ campus plans until a permanent extension of the Solbjerg Campus becomes a reality. Frederiksberg municipality and CBS are preparing a master-plan competition to extend the campus near Fasanvej metro station.

For further information contact: University Director, Peter Jonasson Pedersen, CBS, mail, tel. 38 15 20 13, Director Karina Moll Ravn, CBRE Group, mail, tel. 70 22 96 01

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Sidst opdateret: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 03/02/2015