CBS in October

Check in at CBS in October to experience some of our exciting events. Attend a conference that commemorates the Søren Kierkegaard bicentennial, see the business schools of the future, learn more about Mærsk Line, Coca Colas extremely popular "Share a Coke With" campaign and CBS' largest event, the Career Fair.


Kierkegaard plays a role in the business education of the future

Through generations, Søren Kierkegaard has been one of the most important philosophers. To celebrate his bicentennial, CBS has arranged a conference from 16-18 October.

The Department of Management, Politics and Philosophy focuses on the implementation of philosophy in the understanding of business and organisations.
The conference will focus on how philosophy and the humanities may uncover new understandings of management and business.
And how far does philosophy stretch in these areas?

Time and place:

16 -18 October

Copenhagen Business School, Dalgas Have – DSC.033

Dalgas Have 15

2000 Frederiksberg

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The business schools of the future?

This year, CBS invites to the Europe Annual Conference, where leading European business schools meets to check out the latest tendencies in management education.

Stine Bosse, former Group CEO of TrygVesta, Per Holten-Andersen, President of CBS, and John J. Fernandes, AACSB International President, will attend the conference.

The conference will particularly focus on challenges such as MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses), e-learn, new business models and how schools address the financial crisis and its impact. The conference thus provides ample opportunity for business schools to exchange ideas, review strategies and techniques as well as sharpen competitive edges in order to shape the business school of tomorrow.

Time and place:

17 October, 17:30 to 19 October, 13:30.

Copenhagen School Business

Solbjerg Plads 3

2000 Frederiksberg

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Mærsk Line from the inside: IT is crucial to the largest shipping company in the world

In the fiercely competitive maritime industry, the IT section of an organisation plays two decisive roles: To achieve frictionless transactions with the customers and to provide tools to the company, enabling it to distinguish itself from competitors. In this edition of CIO Talks, Robin Johnson, Chief Information Officer at Mærsk Line, will share his thoughts on how he runs a global IT organisation to constantly being able to transform itself and develop to meet these demands.

Time and place:

29 October 08:00-10:00

Copenhagen Business School

Howitzvej 60, 4th floor.   

2000 Frederiksberg

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Share a Coke with… CBS

The “Share a Coke With” campaign is probably Coca Cola's most successful campaign ever. It started in Australia in 2011 and has spread to a vast number of countries, and it has definitely established itself on social media platforms.

On 3 October, Charlotte van Burleigh, Country Manager, and Peter Hædersdal, Market Activation Manager from Coca Cola Danmark pays a visit to CBS. This event will give unique insight into one of the most successful digital marketing campaigns from one of the largest brands in the world.

Time and place:

3 October - 17:00-18:45

Copenhagen Business School, SPs 01

Solbjerg Plads 3

2000 Frederiksberg

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What are the career opportunities of the students?

Once again, it is time for our CBS Career Fair. Students can meet representatives from the largest companies in Denmark and learn more about career opportunities, get inside information and establish relationships with the company of their dreams. The fact that more than 1.000 students show up at Solbjerg Plads just underlines the relevance and popularity of CBS Career Fair.

Time and place:

2 October, 10:00-16:00

Copenhagen Business School

Solbjerg Plads 3

2000 Frederiksberg

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Sidst opdateret: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 08/10/2013