Studying at CBS! – Are you sure?

Do not miss any new information and an opportunity to manage your expectations - Even students who have already decided to study at CBS could benefit from participating in Open Day on 6. March.


By Janie Huus Tange

When Carina Frank graduated from Aalborg Business College, she decided to go for it and move to a new city even though CBS and Copenhagen seemed a bit far away from home.

-I knew I wanted my education to involve French and business studies, and CBS appeared to be the most acknowledged university. On the other hand I was a bit scared that the other students would be too trendy and intimidating, Carina says.

-Going to Open Day at CBS before applying, is a really good idea, because it gives you an opportunity to ask questions about the specifics of the different studies. It also prevents you from making the wrong decision and it may change your perception of the other students, says Carina. Her own prejudices against CBS students were proven wrong when she started at CBS.

Attend Open Day on 6. March from 11:00-16:15.

There are many things you think you know before applying. However, half of the applicants are rejected, which indicates a great a demand and requires research before filling out the application.

Anne Mette Hou, Head of Admissions says, -The majority of all applicants apply through Quota 2, which indicates that they are not applying directly after upper secondary school and they might have acquired other competences beforehand.

-We recommend doing as much research in advance about admission formalities for the programme of your dreams. Actually, this year it is possible to write a motivational essay that complements the quota 2 application, adds Anne Mette Hou.

Sidst opdateret: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 17/12/2017