Consequences of the language used within CSR

Onsdag, 13 juni, 2018 - 15:00 to 17:00
How  do we walk the talk? Our communication and language is performative as  it shapes our own actions and that of others. As such, ‘CSR-Talk’  influences  conduct and can thereby be seen as a mechanism that frames  organizational aspirations. Guided by Lars Thøger Christensen (Professor, Dep. of Management, Society and Communication, CBS) and Søren Obed Madsen (Assistant Professor, Dep. of Management  Politics and Philosophy, CBS), this session will address the  consequences of the language used within CSR communication; does it  translate into meaningful action or rather mere ‘bullshit’?
As the language we use frames one’s behavior, Lars will discuss how CSR talk can function as an important  resource for social change. Instead of regarding CSR communication as  merely superficial and hypocritical, Lars argues that communication can  be seen as performative through shaping one’s actions  and aspirations. However, in order to allow for a connection between  the talk and the walk to be established, one needs to acknowledge that  actions unfold over time. Consequentially, many hindrances might come  along the way which make it difficult to live  up to one’s aspirations to the fullest extent. In this session, we will  wonder how one can deal with excusing itself for this misalignment to  avoid being depicted as hypocritical.
Søren  will present us with the concept of ‘Othering’ and how it takes place  within organizational processes. Depicting someone as ‘the other’, as a  process of distancing or stereotyping,  affects one’s actions, for the better or the worse. Additionally, how  we ‘other’ certain groups or individuals, shapes the role they are  expected to fulfill. Are CSR departments within organizations ‘othered’  in the sense that they need to be justified and  need to argue for their position? And what are the consequences of this  Othering? 
Date: June 13, 2018
Time: 15:00-17:00
Room: DH 2Ø.071
Please sign up before the 10th of May, 2018 by sending an email to Lot Elshuis,
Sidst opdateret: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 02/09/2020