
Institut for Business Humaniora og Jura

  • CBS Law

Kontor: POR/18.B-1.122

Dr. Pedro Telles er expert inden for offentlig udbud regulering, og er på nuværende tidspunkt Lektor i udbudsret på Copenhagen Business School

Pedro har omfattende erfaring inden for offentlig udbudspraksis som advokat i Portugal og Spanien og som akademiker, der beskæftiger sig med skæringspunktet mellem jura og politik. Han har rådgivet internationale organisationer, regeringer, lokale myndigheder samt organisationer i civilsamfundet inden for offentlig udbud. Siden 2016 har Pedro været medlem af the Law Society of England and Wales' EU komité, hvor han bidrager til at forme organisationens EU- og Brexit relaterede politik.

Primære forskningsområder
  • Offentlig udbudsret
  • Blokkæde
  • Iværksætteri


Curriculum Vitae
Link til denne hjemmeside
Udvalgte publikationer

Telles and Sanchez-Graells, Brexit and public procurement: transitioning into the void? European Law Review, 2, 2019, pp. 257-279.


Roeben, Minnerop, Telles and Snell, Revisiting Union Citizenship from a Fundamental Rights perspective in the time of Brexit European Human Rights Law Review, 5, 2018, pp 450-473.


Telles and Sanchez-Graells, Examining Brexit Through The GPA’s Lens: What Next for UK Public Procurement Reform? Public Contract Law Journal, 1 , 2017, 1-33.


Telles and Skovgaard Olykke, Sustainable Procurement: A Compliance Perspective on EU Public Procurement,  European Procurement and Public Private Partnerships Law Review, 3, 2017, pp. 239-252.


Telles, The European Single Procurement Document, Upphandlingsrättslig Tidskrift, 1, 2017, pp. 1-21.


Telles, Procurement financial thresholds in the EU: the hidden relationship with the GPA, European Procurement and Public Private Partnerships Law Review, 3,  2016, pp.205-219.


Telles, The impact of the Spezzino judgment for third sector organisations, European Procurement and Public Private Partnerships Law Review, 1 2016, pp. 22-30.


Telles and Butler, Award procedures in the Directive 2014/24/EU, in Modernising public procurement: The new Directive, Lichere and Burgi (eds), European Law Series, Djof, 2014, pp. 131–184.


Telles, The good, the bad and the ugly: EU's internal market, public procurement thresholds and cross-border interest, Public Contract Law Journal, 43-1 2013, pp. 3–25.


Telles, Innovation in the Spanish health sector and competitive dialogue, in The Applied Law of Economics of Public Procurement, Piga and Treumer (eds), Routledge 2012, pp. 28–40.


Publications List
Publikationer sorteret efter:


I pressen

Pedro Telles / Looking Into the Public Procurement Data Space and eForms
I: Public Procurement Law Review, Vol. 33, Nr. 1, 2024, s. 14-27
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Pedro Telles / The Evolution of Electronic Public Procurement Under Directive 2014/24/EU
I: European Procurement & Public Private Partnership Law Review, Vol. 19, Nr. 4, 2024, s. 242-248
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Désirée Klingler; Pedro Telles / Non-compliance with Government Contract Terms : A Comparative View on Procurement Regulation and Contractual Remedies.
I: Contract Changes: The Dark Side of EU Procurement Law. . red. /Dacian Dragos; Kirsi-Maria Halonen; Bogdana Neamtu; Steen Treumer. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing 2023, s. 48-67 (European Procurement Law Series)
Bidrag til bog/antologi > peer review
Pedro Telles / Public Contract Modifications in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland
I: Contract Changes: The Dark Side of EU Procurement Law. . red. /Dacian Dragos; Kirsi-Maria Halonen; Bogdana Neamtu; Steen Treumer. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing 2023, s. 109-124 (European Procurement Law Series)
Bidrag til bog/antologi > peer review
Pedro Telles / Existing and Potential Use Cases for Blockchain in Public Procurement
I: European Procurement & Public Private Partnership Law Review, Vol. 17, Nr. 3, 2022, s. 179-189
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Pedro Telles / Existing and Potential Use Cases for Blockchain in Public Procurement
: SSRN: Social Science Research Network 2022, 1 s. (CBS LAW Research Paper, Vol. 22-11)
Working paper
Pedro Telles / Extremely Urgent Public Procurement under Directive 2014/24/EU and the COVID-19 Pandemic
I: Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law, Vol. 29, Nr. 2, 2022, s. 215-228
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Pedro Telles; Desiree Klingler / Non-compliance with Contract Terms : A Comparative View on (non)Regulation and Remedies.
Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School [wp] 2022, 15 s. (CBS LAW Research Paper, Nr. 22-03)
Working paper
Pedro Telles / Reflecting on 18 Years of Competitive Dialogue
I: Into the Northern Light: In Memory of Steen Treumer. . red. /Carina Risvig Hamer; Marta Andhov; Erik Bertelsen; Roberto Caranta. København : Ex Tuto Publishing 2022, s. 193-214
Bidrag til bog/antologi
Pedro Telles / Reflecting on 18 Years of Competitive Dialogue
: SSRN: Social Science Research Network 2022, 16 s. (CBS LAW Research Paper, Vol. 22-09)
Working paper
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- Medlem af the Law Society of England and Wales' EU Komité 

- Ekstern eksaminator ved King’s College London