
  • 26.02.2015

    CBS Maritime Research Seminar on Port Competitiveness

    On Wednesday February 25th 2015 prof. dr. Elvira Haezendonck, affiliated with the University of Brussels (VUB) and Antwerp (UAntwerpen), shared some of her research insights at CBS during a two-hour research seminar on the subject of port competetiviness.
  • 17.02.2015

    A Successful SMU Study Trip to CBS

    With an aim to learn more about Denmark as a maritime nation, the 2014 Industry Study Mission gave Singapore Management University (SMU) students insight into how a geographically small nation has become one of the world’s largest maritime players.
  • 12.12.2014

    Shipping BSc in partnership with TAMUG in Texas

    CBS' BSc in shipping expands the partnership to include Texas A&M University at Galveston by the Mexican Gulf. The new and very popular study programme is now offered in partnership with two acknowledged universities in two important maritime centres - Singapore and Houston.
  • 21.11.2014

    CBS Maritime - Well On Course!

    CBS Maritime recently published a status report tracing the course the team set out in 2012. The report shows, among other things, how CBS´ catalogue of maritime education and research has been extended, as to CBS today offering maritime courses on all levels of university teaching.
  • 18.11.2014

    UBC Professor Visits CBS Maritime

    Jane Lister is a Senior Research Fellow at the Liu Institute for Global Issues at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada. She joines CBS Maritime as a visiting Associate Professor researching CSR governance in global shipping.
