
Institut for Business Humaniora og Jura

Professor, PhD

Kontor: POR/18.B-3.141
Mitchell Dean

Mitchell Dean (PhD, UNSW, 1988) is a political and historical sociologist with an international research reputation and management and teaching experience across the humanities and social sciences in university and business school contexts. He has held Professorships in Sociology at Macquarie University (Sydney) and the University of Newcastle, and has been Professor of Public Governance since December 2012, and Head of the Department since March 2019, at the Copenhagen Business School. He was Dean of the Division of Society, Culture, Media and Philosophy at Macquarie University in Sydney for seven years (2002-2009).

Dean has many publications in leading international journals in Europe, Britain, Australia and North America, in sociology and other disciplines. He has authored eight books and edited two others, including Governmentality: Power and Rule in Modern Society (Sage 2010, 2nd edition), cited in the first edition of Foucault’s lectures on the topic and the Oxford English Dictionary. He also co-edited with Barry Hindess the first national collection of studies of governmentality (Governing Australia. Studies in Contemporary Rationalities of Government, Cambridge University Press, 1998). Published in five languages, his books have been widely reviewed and highly cited. Among his recent books, The Last Man Takes LSD: Foucault and the End of Revolution (Verso 2021, with Daniel Zamora) has been reviewed and discussed at length in The Los Angeles Times, The New Statesman, The Spectator, Libération, Il Manifesto, Information (DK) and elsewhere.

Dean has written for broader publics including in The Guardian, The Los Angeles Review of Books, The Australian Financial Review, and the Telos Press and Stanford University Press blogs. He has broad experience with successful research supervision and examination. He has taught and led the development of sociological education at three universities and all levels. He has given keynotes, invited lectures and seminars at many leading universities in Europe, North America, the United Kingdom, Asia and Australia. He has over 23,000 citations on Google Scholar. He is an active member of the editorial advisory boards of both Economy and Society and Theory, Culture and Society.

Primære forskningsområder
  • Public Governance
  • Concepts and approaches to power
  • Governing in liberal democracies
  • Sovereignty and states
  • Social and political thought


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Due to my management role, I am currently unavailable for teaching or bachelor and master supervision. I have taught in political communication, business philosophy, social theory, introduction sociology and public governance at CBS.



I am currently principal supervisor on two projects on urban policies in Amsterdam and EU border data services and have recently supervised completed projects on signs and the economic imagination, and pre-figurative politics (both at CBS), and volunteer tourism, governing women on release from prison, the genealogy of child protection, and the legal governance of the family farm in Australia (at Macquarie University).  I am open to a wide range of PhD topics and perspectives. I have supervised ten PhD projects to completion.

Udvalgte publikationer
  • Mitchell Dean, Lotte List and Stefan Schwarzkopf, eds. (2023) Political Theology Today: one hundred years after Carl Schmitt. London: Bloomsbury
  • Mitchell Dean and Daniel Zamora (2021) The Last Man Takes LSD: Foucault and the end of revolution. London: Verso
  • Mitchell Dean (2019) ‘What is Economic Theology? : A New Governmental-political Paradigm?’, Theory, Culture & Society 36 (3): 3-26
  • Mitchell Dean (2018) ‘Oath and Office’, Telos 185: 67-91
  • Mitchell Dean (2017) ‘Political Acclamation, Social Media and the Public Mood’, European Journal of Social Theory, 20 (3): 417–434.
  • Mitchell Dean and Kaspar Villadsen (2016) State Phobia and Civil Society: the political legacy of Michel Foucault. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
  • Mitchell Dean (2015) ‘The Malthus Effect : Population and the Liberal Government of Life’, Economy and Society, 44 (1): 18-39.
  • Mitchell Dean (2013) The Signature of Power: sovereignty, governmentality and biopolitics. London: Sage.
  • Mitchell Dean (2010) Governmentality: power and rule in modern society, revised 2nd edition. London: Sage.


Publikationer sorteret efter:



I pressen

Mitchell Dean / A Holographic Map for Deaths in Custody of Australian First Nations People
I: Organization Studies, 27.2.2025
Anmeldelse > peer review
Mitchell Dean / The Concept of Authoritarian Governmentality Today
I: Global Society, Vol. 39, Nr. 1, 1.2025, s. 16-35
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Mitchell Dean; Lotte List; Stefan Schwarzkopf / Introduction : Whither Political Theology?.
I: Political Theology Today: 100 Years after Carl Schmitt. . red. /Mitchell Dean; Lotte List; Stefan Schwarzkopf. London : Bloomsbury Academic 2023, s. 1-10
Bidrag til bog/antologi > peer review
Mitchell Dean; Daniel Zamora / O último homem a tomar LSD : Foucault e o fim da Revolução.
Rio de Janeiro : Telha 2023, 322 s.
Bog > peer review
Mitchell Dean (Redaktør) ; Lotte List (Redaktør) ; Stefan Schwarzkopf (Redaktør) / Political Theology Today : 100 Years after Carl Schmitt.
London : Bloomsbury Academic 2023, 256 s.
Antologi > peer review
Mitchell Dean; Daniel Zamora / Politics as a Confession : Confronting the Enemy Within.
I: Political Theology , Vol. 24, Nr. 1, 2.2023, s. 82-97
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Mitchell Dean / The Economic Theology of Debt
I: Political Theology , Vol. 24, Nr. 4, 6.2023, s. 405-409
Kommentar/debat > peer review
Mitchell Dean / What's Left of Carl Schmitt's Political Theology?
I: Political Theology Today: 100 Years after Carl Schmitt. . red. /Mitchell Dean; Lotte List; Stefan Schwarzkopf. London : Bloomsbury Academic 2023, s. 13-29
Bidrag til bog/antologi > peer review
Mitchell Dean; Daniel Zamora / Foucault non aveva previsto la nuova politica confessionale
I: Domani, 3.6.2021, s. 14
Kommentar/debat > peer review
Mitchell Dean; Oscar L. Larsson / Sovereignty and Sovereign Powers in Global Governmentality
I: The Globality of Governmentality: Governing an Entangled World. . red. /Jan Busse. Abingdon : Routledge 2021, s. 85-102 (The New International Relations)
Bidrag til bog/antologi > peer review
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