Adjunkt Robert Willison

udnævnt til medredaktør af et særnummer af European Journal of Information Systems


Robert Willison er blevet udnævnt til medredaktør af et særnummer af European Journal of Information Systems om IS Security. See below for further details:

Call for Papers – European Journal of Information Systems

Special Issue:

Behavioural and Policy Issues in Information Systems Security

Guest Editors:

Merrill Warkentin, Mississippi State University, USA

Robert Willison, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark

Research Focus:

Numerous approaches and perspectives have been utilised to investigate enterprise information system security management. The focus of this special issue will be on the individual computer user, the workgroup, and/or the organisation and its processes as they relate to the pursuit of IS security. Organisations typically develop and implement plans, policies, protocols, and procedures for ensuring the security of information resources, along with user training programs and governance structures to promote compliance with security policies and procedures. Working against these efforts are dishonest employees intent on perpetrating some form of computer crime, as well as sloppy or unmotivated employees who fail to maintain a secure environment due to accidental or careless actions. What factors cause some individual users and groups to maintain compliance with security policies, while others accidentally or intentionally violate security rules and procedures? What motivators and inhibitors are effective in ensuring compliance or in preventing intentional actions of computer crime, hacking, espionage, or sabotage? How can compliance to security policies and procedures be achieved? What are the causes of non-compliance? What factors within the organisational context may motivate an employee to commit computer crime? How do we understand the criminal behaviour of these offenders?

These and related research questions will be the focus of this research program. Topics may include (but are not limited to) …

- Theoretical and empirical analyses of information security behaviour

- Adoption, use, and continuance of info security technologies and policies

- Compliance with info security & privacy policies, procedures, & regulations

- Investigations of computer crime and security violations

- Individual motivators and inhibitors of employee computer crime

- Forensic analysis of security breaches and computer crimes

- Legal, societal, and ethical issues in information security

Theoretical perspectives may include behavioural, organisational, cognitive, cultural, socio-technical, or other lenses for analysis of important issues in this domain. We encourage not only empirical research studies, but also contributions to knowledge based on other rigourous research methodologies, such as comparative case studies or various qualitative, normative, or rational analyses.

Review Process:

All submitted manuscripts undergo a double blind peer review process. Please submit original manuscripts (directly to both Guest Editors and copied to EJIS) which observe the published style preferences of the
European Journal of Information Systems, which can be found at:

All submissions should be emailed as Word or PDF attachments directly to the Guest Editors at and , and copied to

Important Dates:

Submission deadline: 8 April 2008

First round review deadline: 15 May (gives reviewers five weeks)

Editorial response to authors: 15 June (gives editors one month)

Revisions completed: 1 August (gives authors six weeks to revise)

Second round review deadline: 8 September (gives reviewers five weeks again)

Editorial response to authors 30 September (gives editors three weeks again)

Revisions completed: 15 November (gives authors six weeks for 2nd revision)

Final publication decisions: 8 December (gives editors three weeks again)

Manuscripts submitted to EJIS staff for processing: 8 December 2008

Sidst opdateret: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 11/09/2008