Adjunkt Robert Willison

Udnævnt til Co-Programme Chair for IFIP TC 8 International Working Conference


Robert Willison er blevet udnævnt til Co-Programme Chair for the IFIP TC 8 Working Conference on Information Systems Security. For yderlinere information se.:

IFIP TC 8 International Working Conference on Information Systems Security Research

29-30 May 2009 (Conference reception 28 May)

University of Cape Town, Graduate School of Business

Cape Town, South Africa

General Chairs:

Detmar Straub, Georgia State University

Richard Baskerville, Georgia State University

Program Chairs:

Merrill Warkentin, Mississippi State University

Robert Willison, Copenhagen Business School

Organizing Chairs:

Dewald Roode, University of Cape Town

Irwin Brown, University of Cape Town

This working conference aims to boldly advance the research discipline of information systems security in order to develop even more substantial research contributions in the future. The scope of the conference will broadly include issues critical to improving the scholarly culture, expanding its empirical foundations, and promoting greater impact on both academia and practice from our studies. One avenue for achieving this advance would be to improve the quality and rigor in the application of theory and accepted research methodology. This conference is envisioned as a groundbreaking forum that will set new standards for information systems security research for the coming decade.

Sidst opdateret: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 11/09/2008