Special Issue

‘Transforming Creative industries: Strategies of and structures around creative entrepreneurs’. Journal of Creativity and Innovation Management


Creative Industries and Entrepreneurs

Creative industries, encompassing sectors such as book and magazine publishing, visual and performing arts, sound recordings, cinema and TV films, as well as design, fashion, and games, are increasingly at the forefront of economic growth and social progress. Understanding how creative businesses are formed, managed and transformed could yield important clues for unleashing their creative and business potential. It could also cast light on managing talent and shaping-up creativity as a company's core competence. The motors of the new talent-based competition and economy are creative entrepreneurs who work at the intersection of art and commerce and are able to generate, develop, and bring creative ideas and artwork to market.

This special issue seeks to advance understanding of the role entrepreneurs play in transforming the creative industries. It focuses on the strategies creative entrepreneurs adopt and the structures they shape or use to make the projects of their liking. In particular, it seeks to understand what activities and characteristics distinguish the entrepreneurs in creative sectors and what particularities the new ventures create at the frontier of design and management possess.

Strandgaard Pedersen, J., S. Svejenova and C. Jones, (eds.) (2006). ‘Tranforming Creative industries: Strategies of and structures around creative entrepreneurs’.
Journal of Creativity and Innovation Management , vol. 15 (3). Blackwell Publishing.

Sidst opdateret: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 21/12/2006