Business Seminar: Challenges in the Corporate Landscape and Effective Board Diversity

Center for Corporate Governance (CBS), The Board Leadership Society in Denmark, and Amrop are pleased to invite you to the business seminar: “Challenges in the Corporate Landscape and Effective Board Diversity”.

Tirsdag, 15 marts, 2016 - 16:00 to 18:45

The enduring globalization, disruptive trends in the technology landscape, societal pressure for higher diversity, the economic instability, regulatory pressures for better risk management, and the increasing importance of the various stakeholders’ commitment to corporations are only a few of the trends which have been shaping the current corporate landscape. These trends present new challenges for today’s corporations and demand a different set of skills and experiences in the board room. Consequently, companies need to rethink their current recruitment practices and to re-evaluate the board processes and the board’s interaction with management, shareholders, and other stakeholders.

This seminar will present the latest research findings combined with Nordic board insight.

Prominent speakers will present their views on how to create a board of directors that will be the best qualified to support the companies in facing the challenges in the business environment and how to ensure effective board work. The presentations will be followed by a round table discussion, where prominent speakers from the corporate elite will discuss these issues within a Nordic perspective.

See invitation and program PDF icon here.

Sign up by sending an e-mail to no later than March 9, 2016.

Sidst opdateret: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 17/12/2017