The role of language in international organisations

Et seminar for praktikere og forskere arrangeret af Department of International Business Communication og forskningsplatformen Languages, Ideologies and Identities. Seminaret er på engelsk.

Onsdag, 7 oktober, 2015 - 09:30 to 15:30

With a mix of talks about current research into the role of language in international organisations and talks from practitioners working within the field, the seminar aims to bring together researchers, practitioners and other interested parties for fruitful dialogue. Participants will be introduced to the newest research nationally and internationally, and will hear about the experience of people working with language-related issues in multinational corporations and other international organisations.

Some of the key questions for the day include: What is the role of language in international organisations? Where are the problems and resources related to language diversity? How can researchers and practitioners work together on this topic?

The program includes a mix of talks from researchers and practitioners, a panel debate and opportunities for networking:

Morning program: The role of language in international organisations: Presenting new research


Introduction and welcome, Alex Klinge and Dorte Lønsmann, IBC


Rebecca Piekkari, Aalto University: Strategizing language in the internationalization process of the firm: A co-evolutionary perspective


Coffee break


Mette Skovgaard Andersen, IBC: Language use and language attitudes in  Danish government ministries

Dorte Lønsmann, IBC: Embrace it or resist it? Employees’ reception of corporate language policies

Guro Refsum Sanden, IBC: Language strategies in multinational corporations. A cross-sector study



Afternoon program: The role of language in international organisations: experience and application


Gill Ereaut, Linguistic Landscapes: Language and organisational culture: a practical model


Coffee break


Panel discussion with invited guests:
Anders Schroll, Vice President, Corporate Communication & Global Public Affairs, Lundbeck
Marianne Toft, Vice President for Global Regulatory Affairs, a global pharmaceutical company
Michael Schiedel, Management Consultant & Partner at GPMIP Consulting (Global Post Merger Integration Partners)
Me Sophie Christensen, Head of People & Communication, Clipper Group


Closing remarks

Rebecca Piekkari is Professor of International Business at Aalto University, Helsinki. Her research focuses on multilingual organisations and the challenges associated with managing them, including the use of a common corporate language, and the relationship between language and careers.
Gill Ereaut founded Linguistic Landscapes in 2002, pioneering the commercial application of language sciences – linguistics and discourse analysis – to real organisational issues. Linguistic Landscapes is based in London and works with businesses, government departments and charities.

Registration:   By email to Merete Borch, , no later than 2 October 2015.

All are welcome, participation is free. For more information, please contact Dorte Lønsmann (