Around the world in three hours

Internationalisation is a cornerstone of CBS’ strategy. Students are invited to attend Denmark’s largest exchange fair on Wednesday, where they can meet over 100 of the 340 universities CBS does exchanges with.


On October 8 CBS will open its doors to CBS students who would like to spend a semester at one of the 340+ universities worldwide that CBS cooperates with. At the Exchange Fair, students can meet representatives from universities across the globe, as well as CBS students who have spent six months studying abroad. There will also be the opportunity to speak with administrative staff that can help make the dream of studying overseas come true.

Exchanges are essential to CBS’ international profile. One aspect is the multicultural and diverse environment it creates here on campus. Another aspect is that students who go abroad get a unique experience in another academic environment than here. They learn about more than just academics. They see new places, meet new people and discover how people do things differently in other parts of the world, explains Niels Henrik Larsen, deputy head of the CBS International Office

Every year, about 1,200 CBS students do an exchange and trade with 1,200 foreign students, who in turn spend six months in Copenhagen. Doing exchanges like this has been a part of CBS’ internationalisation strategy for many years. CBS students gain international experience and expand their network. The campus environment in Frederiksberg becomes more international when ten different languages are used for instruction and spoken in the canteen. Moreover, companies profit from the opportunity to recruit graduates with an international outlook.

- It’s crucial when you start applying for jobs after graduation. All studies show that graduates who have been on an exchange have an easier time getting a job afterwards. Doing an exchange expands your horizons and builds your network, which is why we encourage everyone to take advantage of the opportunity to study abroad. At the Exchange Fair, you get the chance to see the world, so to speak, and find the place that fits your study programme and your dream job, concludes Niels Henrik Larsen.

The largest of its kind in Denmark, the event will take place in Ovnhallen in Porcelænshaven on Wednesday, October 8, 2014


Sidst opdateret: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 25/01/2024