CBS in February

Vestas' perspective on corporate social responsibility and how entrepreneurship and storytelling led to a Danish furniture success story. These are some of the subjects on the agenda at CBS events in February, which is also packed with events for current and prospective students.


Vestas' perspective on CSR

These days companies are more or less expected to have a CSR strategy, but how do you define what to take responsibility for? At this seminar Kristian Heydenreich, Director of CSR at Vestas, will give his perspective on CSR and explain how Vestas internally and externally have focused on e.g. human rights and business ethics.

Time and place:
16 February, 11:00-12:30
The Warehouse
Porcelænshaven 22, 2000 Frederiksberg
Auditorium RS20

Read more about the event and programme


How entrepreneurship created Danish Modern

In the 1950's, Danish furniture design gained international renown under the name "Danish Modern". Design and reliable craft paved the way for classic furniture pieces which today are treasured collector's pieces. Per H. Hansen, Professor of economic history, will explain how entrepreneurship played a large part in the introduction of Danish Modern, and how a network of companies created a narrative that shaped a demand with many consumers.
Rob Austin, Professor of management of creativity and innovation, and David Obel Rosenkvist, CEO at Rud. Rasmussen A/S, will give their input to the discussion.

Time and place:
16 February, 15:00-17:00
Porcelænshaven 18A/B, 2000 Frederiksberg
Room PH18B S.023

Read more about the event and programme

Denmark and Europe - and 1864
Can you draw a parallel between the EU and Denmark's formation as a nation state? Uffe Østergaard, Professor, believes so. He will review the development of the EU based on an analysis of Denmark's development from multinational and multilingual state to homogenous nation state. What part the defeat in 1864 played will also be revealed.
Participation in the lecture requires registration and the event will mark Uffe Østergaard's departure as Professor and his affiliation as Professor Emeritus.

Time and place:
24 February, 15:00-16:00, followed by a reception
The Warehouse
Porcelænshaven 22, 2000 Frederiksberg
The Lecture Hall

Read more about the event and registration


Events for current students and prospective students


CBS Career Fair
On 4 February, 50 Danish and international companies will be ready to network with alumni and current students. Registering for the Career Fair gives you access to a free CV check, professional CV photo, company presentations and career seminars.

Time and place:
4 February, 10:00-16:00
Solbjerg Plads 3
2000 Frederiksberg

Read more about the event, programme and registration


Open house for the master's programmes

Find answers to all your questions about CBS' master's programmes. There will also be general presentations on CBS and  lectures from all the master's programmes.

Time and place:
19 February, 11:00-17:00
Solbjerg Plads 3
2000 Frederiksberg

Read more about the event and programme


International day for master's programme applicants

In connection with Open House for the master's programmes, CBS is now offering an event for international students. The programme consists of e.g. a tour, introduction to CBS and an opportunity to meet current international students.

Time and place:
20 February
Solbjerg Plads 3
2000 Frederiksberg

Read more about the event and programme

Sidst opdateret: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 17/12/2017