CBS in January

How are the Danish management programmes doing and what kind of managers have they produced? These and other questions will be debated at an event in January, which is also a busy month for communication students competing in a 24-hour international case competition.


How do we create better managers?
Over the past decade, many resources have gone into  strengthening managerial competences, and a number of management programmes for managers at all levels have appeared. In cooperation with DJØF Publishing and 'FORUM for fremtidens offentlige styring og ledelse' (FORUM for future public governance and management), CBS feels the pulse of manager competence development. A panel of prominent debaters will discuss the situation and whether anything should be changed.

Read more about the event and programme (in Danish)
Time and place:
28 January 16:00-19:30
Kilen, Kilevej 14 A/B, 2000 Frederiksberg. Meeting room Ks43.

Contact info:
Preben Melander

24-hour competition for communication students
Communication master students will be competing in the international case competition ComCaseCompetition ’15. In 24 hours ten teams will come up with solutions to an international communication task from Novo Nordisk and only three teams will continue on to the final. The organisers recommend participants to group up across nationalities and programmes - and to bring a sleeping bag.

Read more about the event and programme
Time and place:
27 January 10:00 – 28 January 19:00
Solbjerg Plads 3
Contact info:
Department of Intercultural Communication and Management +45 3815 3140

Film design
It is probably few of us that consider the design we're presented with when watching films or TV series. But film design is the focus of a PhD project that Jakob Ion Wille will be defending. The project investigates film design through both design theory and film theory. One of the aims is to draw attention to what part the designer plays in film work - a part that is often overlooked.

Read more about the event (in Danish)

Time and place:
29 January 13:00-15:00
Porcelænshaven 20, 24A/B, 26, 2000 Frederiksberg
The Gallery

Jakob Ion Wille

German on the agenda
How should German teaching be planned for students with different academic abilities to each gain the most from it? This is the question posed by Department of Internationalt Business Communication at an event that will focus on differentiated German teaching in the Folkeskole, post-secondary education and higher education.

Read more about the event (In Danish)

Time and place:
30 January 08:30-17:00
Dalgas Have 15, 2000 Frederiksberg

Lars Lindegaard

Sidst opdateret: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 17/12/2017