CBS professor new member of Competition Council

The Danish Minister of Business and Growth Henrik Sass Larsen has appointed Professor Torsten Ringberg as a member of the Danish Competition Council. The professor’s research on consumer behaviour will ensure the best possible market conditions for consumers.


When companies fix prices and form price cartels they are in violation of the Competition Act. The independent Competition Council comes into the picture when larger test cases concerning similar offenses arise.

As of July first CBS Professor Torsten Ringberg will be a member of the Competition Council, where he, together with lawyers and economists, will be responsible for enforcing the Competition Act. Ringberg’s field of study at the Department of Marketing at CBS is branding and consumer behaviour.

- My knowledge of consumer behaviour will allow me to provide insights from the consumer’s perspective. I will help ensure that the Competition Act is enforced so that the market is transparent and so that, for example the prices businesses set are based on fair competition, explains Ringberg.

Minister: New, competent hands
The Minister of Business and Growth Henrik Sass Larsen is in charge of appointing members to the council, which jointly represents special expertise in competition law and competition economics, as well as practical management experience from the corporate world and a close understanding of consumer affairs.

- The members of the Competition Council are a mix of new, competent individuals with extensive experience from the present Competition Council. This will ensure continuity and a renewal of the vital work the council carries out, states Sass Larsen in a press release from the Ministry of Business and Growth.

The members comprise, in addition to the professor from CBS, for instance a chair, economist and Professor Christian Schultz, and a deputy chair, lawyer and Professor Caroline Heide-Jørgensen, both from the University of Copenhagen.

From 18 to 7 members  
The purpose of the Competition Council is to promote competition for the benefit of consumers and businesses. Until now the council has had 18 members, but when Ringberger becomes part of the team there will only be seven members.

As something new the council will also be responsible for analyses on competition by the Danish Competition and Consumer Authority.

Read more about the Danish Competition Council (in Danish).

For additional information please contact Professor Torsten Ringberg.


Sidst opdateret: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 17/12/2017