CBS student receives talent scholarship

German CBS student Carolin Brückmann has received the Nordic Jane M. Klausman Women in Business Scholarship of USD 1,000. She received the scholarship for setting high goals and realising them.


Top marks in her studies. Student jobs with i.a. Simon Kucher & Partners – Pricing Consultants, BNP Paribas and Catella Investment Management. That is what 25-year-old Carolin Brückmann has achieved so far in her student life. It has led her to a bachelor's degree in International Business at Maastricht University in 2012 where she graduated in the top three percent, studies in Shanghai and now at CBS, where she is studying Applied Economics and Finance.

For these results combined with her ability to set high goals and realising them she has received the Nordic Jane M. Klausman Women in Business Scholarship. The scholarship of USD 1,000 was established by the international network organisation Zonta International in 1998 to encourage women around the world to pursue a career in business.

- I am very happy with the encouragement that the scholarship gives. My personal plan is to work in finance, which I find fascinating, and I would like to help make new paths, i.a. increasing the number of women, says Carolin Brückmann in a press release from Zonta International.

First foreign winner

The scholarship is awarded to students who are on the second year or further of a higher education business programme, and it focuses on current students as future leaders. A total of 32 scholarships are awarded to young women around the world.

- It is the first time that Zonta Denmark has a foreign winner of a Jane M. Klausman Scholarship, and it is a pleasure to see that CBS can attract such a talented foreign student as Carolin, says Dorte Olesen, chairwoman of the Zonta Scholarship committee in Denmark, in the press release.

Carolin Brückmann is German but lives and studies in Copenhagen. In her spare time she has been an active participant in a church cooperation between Germany and South Africa, and she has been a volunteer advisor and holiday organiser for 6- to 13-year-old children.

Zonta International is an international network which aims to strengthen the status of women in legal, political, financial, education, health and work related areas. Zonta is an independent NGO cooperating with i.a. FN on projects to improve the health and education of women.

Zonta International has approx. 30,000 members around the world and approx. 600 members in Denmark distributed across more than 100 different professions.

Read more about Zonta

For more information contact Dorte Olesen, president of Zonta Denmark's Scholarship Committee 

Sidst opdateret: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 17/12/2017