CBS students to learn Chinese in Beijing

As of the next academic year, students on the bachelor programme International Business in Asia at CBS can look forward to learning Chinese at the renowned business and language university Beijing International Studies University.


Photo: Jakob Boserup

Once again, CBS is establishing that international business studies are not only taking place in Frederiksberg. As of the next academic year, all students on the bachelor programme International Business in Asia are going to spend a semester in China at Beijing International Studies University (BISU) to learn Chinese. 

- The students will have a clear advantage in learning the most important language in the Asian region. Not many people in the international business community speak Chinese. It is very valuable, says Wilbert van der Meer, Head of the Dean’s Office, Education at CBS.

The bachelor programme International Business Asia is teaching the students to handle the somewhat different challenges that companies face in an Asian market or in collaboration with Asian companies. And now the programme will also focus on Chinese language and culture during study visits to China's political and cultural centre.

- You can learn a lot in Copenhagen, but staying in Beijing for a whole semester gives additional insight and an exciting network, says Wilbert van der Meer.

The agreement has been made between CBS and Beijing International Studies University, last of which originally was established to support the Chinese diplomats. The university has a strong language profiles and teaches Chinese people in foreign languages such as English, Japanese, German, Russian, French, Italian, Spanish, Arabic, Korean – and international students in Chinese. 

- This education agreement has made it possible for everyone on the International Business in Asia programme to visit China at an early stage. It is important, because we believe that this semester is going to make significant impact on education as well as career, says Wilbert van der Meer and adds that the students will be staying on BISU’s modern campus and study with Chinese as well as international fellow students.

Read more about the programme International Business in Asia - BSc in Business, Asian Language and Culture 

Read more about Beijing International Studies University

For more information, please contact Wilbert van der Meer, Head of the Dean’s Office, Education, or Olivia Olesen, Programme Manager of IBA.

Sidst opdateret: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 02/09/2020