CBS summit: What will Denmark live off in the future?

Is the foundation of innovation and skills that business and industry and Denmark rest on solid enough to lead Denmark well into the future? CBS will round off its centennial anniversary by hosting a summit attended by the CEOs of Novo Nordisk, A.P. Moller-Maersk, Arla Foods and Danske Bank to discuss Denmark’s future prospects jointly with the Danish Minister of Industry, Business and Financial Affairs, and especially how society and CBS can support both young companies and the titans of business and industry.


If Denmark’s largest companies can be compared to giants, then from 1993 to 2015 they doubled in height. In 1993 the ten biggest Danish companies had a turnover equal to 20 percent of Denmark’s GDP. By 2015 that figure had doubled. The chief executives of some of Denmark’s leading companies will attend the CBS Impact Summit on 16 November 2017 to discuss their influence on Denmark and the companies’ future strategies, aspirations and concerns.

- “We have some extraordinarily talented, internationally oriented companies in Denmark that play a major role in the Danish economy, if we look, for example at the number of employees, the amount of corporate tax paid and their use of subcontractors. In short there’s a correlation between growth in companies and in society. At the same time colossal changes are taking place around us, with some observers even talking about an industrial revolution. That’s why it’s important to discuss what Denmark is going to live off in the future, as well as how we as a society and university can contribute to the healthy development of large and small businesses within the next five, ten and even one-hundred years,” explains CBS President Per Holten-Andersen about the CBS Impact Summit, which will round off CBS’ one hundredth anniversary.

In addition to the Minister of Industry, Business and Financial Affairs Brian Mikkelsen (Conservative Party), other participants include Thomas Borgen from Danske Bank, Lars Fruergaard Jørgensen from Novo Nordisk, Søren Skou from A.P. Moller-Maersk, Peder Tuborgh from Arla Foods and Jim Hagemann Snabe, an adjunct professor at CBS and the chair of A.P. Moller-Maersk. The summit will address questions such as: Do multinational companies mean more to Denmark than Denmark means to them? How can industrial policy pave the way for sustainable growth and innovation in both large and small companies? What benchmarks are necessary for CBS’ research, degree programmes and collaboration with business and industry in order for Denmark to continue to foster competitive, globally oriented companies?

- “CBS’ history and the development of business and industry in Denmark have been closely linked for the last one-hundred years. We look forward to putting the finishing touch on our centennial when chief executives from the pinnacle of the Danish business community visit to jointly discuss the direction of the future with our students. The goal is to share experiences and knowledge about the opportunities available for value creation between research and practice, students and industry leaders, and business and politics,” adds Holten-Andersen about the CBS Impact Summit.

View the CBS Impact Summit programme.

Journalists must register by directly contacting head of press Mikael Koldby or project manager Lise Balslev.

Sidst opdateret: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 02/09/2020