CBSCSR participated in the Sustainable Innovation Camp

The new cand.merc elective was a great success for students and business


Associate Professor Kai Hockerts and Research Director Jonas Eder-Hansen from CBSCSR both joined as expert advisors at the Sustainable Innovation Camp which took place 20-21 May. The Camp is part of the new sustainable innovation cand.merc. elective, which has been offered by CBS Department of Innovation and Organizational Economics for the first time this Spring semester. Four case companies (SAS, TrygVesta, Novartis and SEAS-NVE) presented a burning question around sustainable development and the 70 students worked for 30 hours in groups to develop new business concepts around the burning questions.

Due to the apparent success of the new course, it is scheduled to be offered again in the fall semester of 2008. Click here for a description of the course.


Sidst opdateret: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 31/07/2018