Joint effort to make Denmark a global center for fashion

CBSCSR ensures that sustainability and ethics are addressed




Denmark as a global center for fashion

Danish Minister for Economic and Business Affairs, Bendt Bendtsen, is helping to put the Danish fashion industry on the map through the introduction of fashion as the first Danish “experience zone”. The purpose of the fashion zone is to promote Denmark as a global center for fashion – following in the footprints of major fashion metropolises such as New York, London, Paris and Milan.


The new fashion zone is made to ensure that the Danish fashion industry continues to develop a solid network and a common platform which will strengthen the growth of the fashion business.

Among the partners in the fashion zone consortium is Copenhagen Business School. CBS Center for Corporate Social Responsibility has for some time been involved in research and teaching activities relating to CSR in the fashion industry and will focus further on this area in 2009. We will also work to promote these within the fashion zone as included in the agenda of activities:


As part of the ambitious vision of the fashion zone is to promote and strengthen:

• CSR within the Danish fashion industry

• Fair Trade

• Ethics and sustainability in production and supply chain


The Danish fashion zone will be administered by the Danish Fashion Institute and has been allocated a budget of DKK 17 million over the next three years, of which the majority will be provided by the Danish Government through the Danish Enterprise and Construction Agency.

Read more here (in Danish only)


Sidst opdateret: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 31/07/2018