Meet Google and blockchain experts at the Danish Science Festival

Which role should tech giants be playing in our society according to Google Denmark’s government relations manager? How will blockchain change our society? Visit CBS during the Danish Science Festival and learn more.


Forskningens Døgn

CBS offers easy-to-access research between 20-26 April. Everyone who is interested is invited to the Danish Science Festival initiated by the Ministry for Higher Education and Science.

The events address highly topical issues, they are free and they are aimed at a broad audience.

Meet the tech-professor, the techplomacy and the government relations manager of Google Denmark
Friday 20 April, 2018 - 14:00 - 15:00

Tax evasion cases, data leakage and manipulated elections take up a lot of space in the media when it comes to tech giants such as Google, Apple and Facebook. What role do tech giants have in the future? Meet Professor MSO at CBS Mikkel Flyverbom, who conducts research in digital transformation, in a dialogue with Christine Sørensen, Government Relations Manager for Google Danmark and Nikolaj Juncher Wædegaard, Deputy Tech-Ambassador at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Friday beer and soft drinks will be served afterwards.

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How will blockchain change our society?
Wednesday 25 April, 2018 - 16:15 - 18:45
Blockchain is a very topical issue at the moment. If you want to lead the conversation next time you discuss new ground-breaking technologies at a dinner party, you should meet two of CBS’ PhD fellows. They will help you demystify the concept of blockchain. PhD Juan Giraldo will talk about why the virtual currency bitcoin is worth drawing attention to, and Casper Winther-Hansen will provide a general idea of how blockchain can improve our health but also what risks are implied.

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22 lectures across the country
In addition to events at CBS, researchers have made 22 different lectures available to everybody who are able to gather a group of a minimum of 20 people. This takes place through the service “Book a researcher”.

One of the lectures is called ”Relationships: How do they form and what makes them last?”, “What was the Role of Fake News on Facebook and Twitter in the US Election 2016?” and “The good life – what can we learn from the Japanese and vice versa?”.

Read more about the 22 lectures here:
Book a researcher

For more information, please contact:

Vice Dean of Knowledge Exchange and Research Dissemination Flemming Poulfelt

Journalist at CBS Matilde Hørmand-Pallesen

Sidst opdateret: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 08/10/2019