Minister sends talented PhDs abroad

How does self-control influence environmental friendliness? What is the business potential of diverse labour? Meet two PhD students from CBS who have been granted the Minister for Higher Education and Science's EliteForsk travel scholarships worth DKK 200,000.


What makes us sort our rubbish instead of putting everything in the same bin? How do you tap the full potential of a diverse work place with women, men and different nationalities?

With each their own EliteForsk scholarship, two PhD students are now able to go abroad and study exactly those two themes in the strongest international research environments within their field.  

According to a press release from the Ministry for Higher Education and Science, the minister grants EliteForsk awards and 20 travel scholarships for some of the “most talented researchers and research students in the country” every year.

Dean of Research Søren Hvidkjær appreciates the scholarships:
”I am particularly pleased about the recognition of our PhD students receive through the EliteForsk travel scholarships. The scholarships also underpin our internationalisation efforts, as they facilitate the access for our PhD students to world-class research environments. It is extremely rewarding for them to be inspired by the best of the best,” he says and adds that in the years to come, CBS has allocated more resources to the PhD programme to attract more talent.

Read more about vacant PhD scholarships at CBS

One of the travel scholarship recipients is PhD Student Kristian Steensen Nielsen. The title of his project is ”Betydningen af selvkontrol for miljøvenlige adfærdsændringer (how does self-control influence environmental behaviour)”. The scholarship presents him with a new possibility.

”It also means that I am now able to fund a long research stay at The University of Chicago Booth School of Business, where I will be working with a psychology professor about research into self-control”, he states on the ministry’s website.

Read more about Kristian Steensen Nielsen’s PhD project

PhD Student Jannick Friis Christensen is the other recipient of the travel scholarship. His project is titled ”(U)ligestilling, mangfoldighed og inklusion på arbejdspladsen – et spørgsmål om normer ((In)equality, diversity and inclusion at the work place - a question about norms)”. For the ministry, he describes one of the problems his research focuses on:

”In Denmark, the problem for instance appears in initiatives on “fixing” women by means of courses, so that they can become more “masculine” and compete for management positions – or alternatively by appreciating what is particularly “feminine”. Both perspectives are criticised for amplifying the us vs. them mentality and to marginalise rather than integrate.”

Read more about Jannick Friis Christensen’s PhD project  

Read more about EliteForsk at the Ministry of Higher Education and Science's website

For more information, please contact:

PhD Student Jannick Friis Christensen

PhD Student Kristian Steensen Nielsens

Matilde Hørmand-Pallesen, Journalist, CBS


Sidst opdateret: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 02/09/2020