Special issue of Business Ethics: A European Review
This year's first special issue of renowned journal Business Ethics: A European Review focuses on small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and CSR. The special issues has been guest edited by Professor Mette Morsing, Director of CBS Center for CSR, and Professor Francesco Perrini, from Bocconi University in Milan.
In the special issue of Business Ethics: A European Review, it is highlighted the ways social responsibility is gradually emerging not only as a condition but also as a strategy for SMEs. To date, little attention has been paid to CSR in SMEs due to the perception of SMEs as 'little big companies' (Tilley 2000) which can simply and seamlessly adopt the techniques and strategies of large companies as they decide to engage in CSR activities. However, there is evidence that SMEs are motivated, challenged and engaged in CSR issues in many very different ways to large firms. This special issue hopes to bring more knowledge to this emerging field, and pave the way for further research on the conditions and strategies for SMEs to adopt CSR practices.
Please click here to read the special issue.