The academic year was kicked off with social responsibility and sustainability

Yesterday the new bachelor students participated at Responsibility Day. A case about one company's cooperation with single mothers in Ghana underlined that a CBS study programme also concerns responsibility.

Questions from students on the big screen contributed to the debate on responsibility with the CBS Senior Management and CBS Students.
Questions from students on the big screen contributed to the debate on responsibility with the CBS Senior Management and CBS Students
The students were welcomed with handshakes from President Per Holten-Andersen.
The students were welcomed with handshakes from President Per Holten-Andersen
This year's case about responsibility and sustainability comes from jewellery designer Pernille Bülow
Last year's winners of the case presentation offered good advice.
Last year's winners of the case presentation offered good advice

Photos: Jørn Albertus

Is it possible to do good in the world and run a profitable business at the same time? And how do you go about starting a new business across cultures  with dual objectives - both making a profit and helping other people?

From the very start of their studies, bachelor students are taught that a CBS study programme concerns more than just 'business and the bottom line'. Social responsibility and sustainability are just as important elements. So for the 7th consecutive year, the new academic year was officially kicked off yesterday with Responsibility Day, where approx. 2000 students filled Falkoner Salen to debate the balance between bottom line and responsibility with CBS' Senior Management and CBS Students. The new students were also introduced to a case about that balance and other issues.

This year's case is Pernille Bülow Jewellery, which posed the question of whether it is possible to do good in the world and run a profitable business at the same time? The case also gave students insight into the complexity you will face when trying to start a new business. Especially when that business will operate across cultures and work towards the dual objectives of making a profit and helping other people. Pernille Bülow has dealt with these issues at ”Pernille Bülow Jewellery”, where women in Ghana produce beads from local recycled glass, e.g. bottles and car windows. These women are often single mothers with a low living standard.

”It is business,” was the conclusion heard on the stage during the case presentation, where students could ask questions about the work with the Ghanian women before they had to form groups to answer a case question in writing. For example: Which communication strategy would they choose with the Ghanian women? Or how do you measure the degree of ”good” that the partnership results in, and how do you apply that in connection with new business decisions? The three best answers will continue on to the final on 7 September, where students will present their answers to a jury, and a winner will be found.

CBS is part of the UN's  ”Principles of Responsible Management Education” and the objective of the CBS PRME unit is to ensure - through teaching- that our future managers, employees and citizens are made more aware of responsibility. Responsibility Day is part of this effort.

See photos from Responsibility Day at the top of this article.

Read more about Responsibility Day

Sidst opdateret: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 17/12/2017