The Minister for Foreign Affairs will promote globalisation and degrade protectionism

Denmark should not isolate itself - it will make us all poorer! These were the words of Minister of Foreign Affairs Anders Samuelsen during a visit at CBS.


"Through the use of foreign affairs policy, I will make globalisation open to everybody. I and the government will promote globalisation and degrade protectionism. Denmark should be better to exploit the opportunities of globalisation. And as a country, we should look for outside inspiration in order to make Denmark stronger and more competitive. Denmark should not isolate itself - it will make us all poorer", Minister of Foreign Affairs Anders Samuelsen said during his visit at CBS last week.

Anders Samuelsen was invited through a collaboration between the Danish Foreign Policy Society, Jyllands-Posten and CBS, and he was happy to speak as the Minister for Foreign Affairs about the government's future foreign policy for the first time.

The Minister emphasised that Denmark should be an advocate for globalisation. This is his major, unifying favourite cause. According to Anders Samuelsen, free trade makes us richer and protectionism poorer - not just in an economic sense. Globalisation does not just concern politics and economy. It is also about culture and values.

The entire speech is available at the Danish Foreign Policy Society.

It was possible to ask questions after the Minister of Foreign Affair's speech.

You can listen to one of the questions and the minister's answer in the video. Jette Elbæk, international correspondent for Jyllands-Posten, moderated the debate.

Sidst opdateret: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 02/09/2020