
  • 05.01.2007

    Accepted paper

    Steen Vallentin's paper accepted for Business and Society
  • 03.01.2007

    Velkommen til nyt center

    Samarbejdet med erhvervslivet inden for anvendt it og kommunikations- teknologier styrkes
  • 22.12.2006

    Fundraising news

    Large Strategic Research grant for Brian Moeran's "Hotspots Team"
  • 20.12.2006

    Bevilling til projekt: Lisbeth la Cour.

    Projekttitel: The Impact of Ownership and Structural Reforms on Productivity Projekthaver: Lektor Lisbeth la Cour. Kort beskrivelse: Firm productivity is expected to be affected by trade liberalization. Faced with higher competition, firms get under pressure to increase their productivity and to insure their survival by cutting down the managerial slack and by investing in innovation.
  • 20.12.2006

    Bevilling til projekt-H.Peter Møllgaard

    Projekttitel: Risky Power:Choice of technology, security of supply, and market power in power markets. Projekthaver: Professor Peter Møllgaard. Kort beskrivelse: Blackouts are generally perceived to constitute an important risk to the workings of modern societies. To counter this, societies need to secure the availability of generation capacity. The way this is done has been substantially altered as power markets have been liberalized, partly privatized and re-regulated.
  • 20.12.2006

    Bevilling til projekt-Morten Bennedsen.

    Projekttitel: Families and Firms: The impact of family risk and organization on the governance of closely held corporations. Projekthaver: Professor Morten Bennedsen Kort beskrivelse: Families and Firms’ investigates how risk related to family structures and family development affects firms.
