Research Design and Qualitative Methods (7.5 ECTS)
Introduction to Research Design and Qualitative Methods
The objective of this course is to provide students with an understanding of how to formulate, conduct, analyze and report qualitative research in the social sciences. The course further discusses how to assess the quality of research and how to approach ethical questions concerning qualitative research. There are three main components to the course:
1. Philoshophy of science section introduces the students to the most essential key concepts and positions in philosophy of science and strengthens their epistemological and ontological awareness.
2. Research design section helps the students understand the link between research questions, theoretical direction and empirical material, by focusing on cross-sectional, temporal, single and multiple case study designs.
3. Data collection and analysis section develops key skills in the collection and analysis of qualitative data by covering diverse techniques, such as qualitative interviewing, focus groups, text/document analysis and observation.
The course uses blended learning in order to maximize opportunities for both flexible learning and classroom interaction. Whereas the online elements of the course are directed towards content, much of the interactive elements incorporate the direct classroom application of skills, especially with regard to qualitative data collection and analysis. In line with the Nordic Nine principles, the course seeks to substantially develop learners' curiosity and analytic skills when working with different forms of qualitative data. Nordic Nine 2: "You are analytical with data and curious about ambiguity". Given the requirements from the Ministry on basic philosophy of science content there will also need to an objective that student comprehend the basic concepts, terms, and positions around issues of ontology and epistemology. Given the emphasis on research design the students would be required to produce a research design that is able to link a research question to qualitative methods and empirical data
Learning objectives
- Comprehend, identify and evaluate the basic concepts, terms, and positions around issues of ontology and epistemology.
- Assess the strengths and limitations of different qualitative methods when applied to a given research problem.
- Apply qualitative methods to a research problem and account for the relationship between theory, method, data collection, and analysis by producing a research design that is able to link a research question to qualitative methods and empirical data.
- Demonstrate applied skills and apply methodologically informed analyses to a research question in the field of international business and politics.
- Critically reflect on how to analyze and report qualitative research and assess its validity and reliability.