
Meet Leni, a student from BSc in Business Administration and Digital Management

Why did I choose my programme?
This programme creates a comprehensive background through combining technical insight with business knowledge, at the intersection between economics, sociology and informatics. When I chose the programme last year, I didn’t really have any idea of the job I wanted to pursue in the future. Studying Digital Management comes with the benefit that it doesn’t predetermine my career path but instead opens up doors to many different professions.

What do I like the best?
What makes Digital Management special to me is the collaborative spirit between us students: I always feel supported by my fellow students, regardless of whether it’s about exam preparation, finding the classrooms or debriefing on lectures. That way, we mutually benefit from each other’s strengths. Beyond that, the topicality of our subjects makes them really interesting to study. 

What do I think is difficult?
The change to university from high school (or for some people from their gap years) can be hard. With new formats of learning, you might feel overwhelmed at the beginning. Adding to that, most international students will face challenges outside of university, like finding accommodation or getting to know new people. But while that was exhausting in the start, I eventually got used to – and really enjoy – living and studying here. 

What would I have liked to have known before starting my programme?
Do not stress out. Of course it is exciting and somewhat scary to start university, especially when it is abroad and you barely know any of the people you will be spending the next three years with. But really, everyone is new to it and probably feeling similarly nervous. You are best prepared by jumping right into it and learning things on the way.

What do I want to do after finishing my programme?
Having Digital Management as a base, I aim to continue my studies with a master’s in which I can deepen and specialise my knowledge. As the programme leaves it open which particular direction to pursue, I am happy to have many different options for further education once I’m finished. What I know already is that I want to stay in an international environment, just like it is in Digital Management. 

If I could give myself a piece of advice, before starting it would be…
The best thing to do is just put yourself out there. Don’t be shy to talk to professors and ask questions – curiosity is always appreciated. Also, studying becomes much easier and more fun when you get to know the people around you, especially in a programme that is as international as Digital Management. When doing so, it is really helpful to participate in activities offered outside of the programme, such as student organisations or other events. In the end, it is important to remember that you don’t need to figure everything out by yourself! 

Sidst opdateret: Web editor - Student Communications // 12/09/2024